- We have module Message Center built in React JS, We are trying to integration MC module in CV through Iframe. In CV we created simple Iframe and passing SRC of the Iframe through Inline JS query parameterized. We are to trying get the height of React JS content with help of syntax document.getElementById("mcFrameID").contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight but we are getting the value as 0px so I'm appending 550px as constant height. How can we get the height of the React JS Content dynamic/responsive to the CV so we can set the height of Iframe dynamically.
Custom HTML
<iframe id="mcFrameID" src="#" width="100%" frameborder = "0" >
Inline JS
var product=this.context.options.product.get("value");
var libertyHost=this.ui.get("hostLibertyReactJs").getData();
var userId=this.context.bpm.system.user_loginName;
var access=this.context.options.access.get("value");
document.getElementById("mcFrameID").height = document.getElementById("mcFrameID").contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight +550+"px";
Kathy Bazinet
North America z Sytems DevOps and Digital Transformation Technical Sales Manager
Hartford CT