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  • 1.  Auto Save Data on Coach UI Screen on session timeout

    Posted Fri April 19, 2024 12:25 PM

    Hi Team,

    Has anyone implemented Auto Save Coach View? That will save changes made by a user as they enter data within a Coach. Data should be saved if the browser should close, crash or otherwise fail to result before submission of the data.

    Our requirements is to autosave data on session timeout. 


    Swapnil Bhamare

    Swapnil Bhamare

  • 2.  RE: Auto Save Data on Coach UI Screen on session timeout

    Posted Mon April 22, 2024 10:33 AM

    You should be able to set it up with a CSHS or heritage service without necessarily using CV. When using CV you'd have to come up with a solution on "where" to store the data? One of the popular choices would be using the local storage. It allows for large amounts of data to be stored (up to 5MB), and the data is persistent across browser sessions until explicitly cleared. However, local storage is not suitable for sensitive information since it's accessible to any script on the same domain and is not encrypted by default. So, you'd have to consider security in this case.

    Instead, I may suggest to try to do it using standard BAW capabilities and handle it on a server-side. E.g. add a hidden progress bar set on a coach, repeat on completion, and fire a boundary event on completion. The progress bar's event is simply just wired back into the coach.

    There are certain considerations to be taken into account in such implementation but it depends on a specific use case(s) (session timeout vs browser crash, etc)

    Also, don't forget that BAW itself saves execution context (by default on start/end of every coach and then depending on where you enable/disable it on other service components) and so, in a crash scenario you start from the place where you left off (but not if you were in the middle of the form and didn't save it, so, sometime having an additional save button for big forms helps with this scenario as well). 

    Sergei Malynovskyi

  • 3.  RE: Auto Save Data on Coach UI Screen on session timeout

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 03:30 AM

    When we wanted similar functionality, we added a Timer component to the coach, that fired a navigation event.

    Make sure the timer is repeatable.

    The navigation event looped out on a line and back to the coach. Make sure that line has "Save execution context for task implementation:" ticked in, and you should be good to go.

    Johan Andersson