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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
IBM Process Mining on AWS, provides access to IBM's award-winning process mining capabilities recognized for precise process transparency, enterprise scalability, and high performance. IBM Process Mining is now available through the AWS Marketplace.
With IBM Process Mining, organizations can efficiently analyze, monitor, and improve their business processes. IBM Process Mining offers core process and task mining capabilities on AWS's modern cloud infrastructure as a pre-configured solution. For organizations with cloud-native apps and data on AWS, IBM Process Mining is an enterprise-grade process improvement solution that resides close to where their current apps and data are already running. Organizations can leverage the capabilities of IBM Process Mining on AWS without extra investments in IT infrastructure or staff, as IBM ensures the smooth operation and management of the cloud service.
Accelerate process improvement and optimization. Discover, monitor, and improve your business processes to enhance customer experiences, boost efficiency, and streamline operations.
Gain actionable insights where you need them most. Quickly analyze process performance across your enterprise to access the most current information. Collaborate, share, and manage process insights in the cloud, from mobile devices, and within applications.
Mitigate operational and compliance risk. Consistently and intelligently apply unified process understanding and governance across your operations from a single, comprehensive, and scalable solution.
Stay updated with the latest features. No need for upgrades with automatic feature releases and updates with this IBM-managed SaaS platform.
Get up and running in minutes. Eliminate the hassle of provisioning and set up with SaaS process mining services hosted on AWS. Get up and running in production mode in minutes rather than days.
Explore the IBM Process Mining homepage to learn more about the software and register for your 30-day free trial today!
For more details on this announcement including download requirements, see the IBM Process Mining Documentation.
View the IBM Process Mining listing on the AWS Marketplace to explore pricing options or purchase directly!