Process Mining

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Announcing Process Mining 1.14.1

By Sophie Kim Yen Liem posted Fri June 23, 2023 11:09 AM


We are thrilled to announce the latest update to IBM Process Mining, version 1.14.1.

This exciting release comes packed with enhanced features and functionality, improved integration between task mining and process mining, and introduces our product to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. We have focused on ensuring seamless integration, flexibility, continuous improvement, and an improved user experience.

Here's what's new:

  • AWS Marketplace launch. IBM Process Mining is now available on the AWS Marketplace. The AWS Marketplace offers customers a rapid, reliable, and cost-effective way to find, buy, and start using IBM Process Mining. Visit IBM Process Mining on the AWS Marketplace
  • Better integration between task mining and process mining. Improved usability by letting users switch between task and process mining more easily with a single login, and giving users more control over naming conventions - making the analysis more straightforward and efficient.

  • Working time flexibility. Now, you can customize how you calculate working time using your own data, making your cost evaluations more accurate and tailored to your business needs.

  • Enhanced admin. System administrators can now easily see and retrieve precise statistics about license consumption and change permissions and authorizations.

  • Seamless integration with ETL tools. Users can effortlessly pull in data from cloud storage, like Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets, to kick-start and consistently update their process analysis. This enables smoother and continuous data ingestion.

  • Usability improvements and enhancements. We've made several usability enhancements in this release, including a more intuitive user interface and simplified navigation. These improvements will make it easier for users to explore and interpret their process data, leading to faster, more informed decisions.

As always, we want to hear your thoughts! Share your suggestions, ideas, or thoughts on the IBM Process Mining product and business through the IBM Ideas Portal. The product offering team will qualify and prioritize your idea within 30 days.

Discover more about IBM Process Mining 1.14.1, the release notes, and sign up for your 30-day free trial today!


