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Limits of CP4BA ODM Bronze and Silver topologies

By Pierre-Andre Paumelle posted Wed September 21, 2022 08:46 AM


Please find a PDF version of this article available here.

The CP4BA ODM topologies are described in the following article.

These limitations are valid on OpenShift and on Certified Kubernetes.

There are three topology types: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

The best topology is the Gold but with a cost in terms of resource.

To choose the topology, you need to understand the limits of each topology.

These Topologies were tested with CP4BA 21.0.3, 22.0.1, 23.0.1 and 23.0.2


Limits of Bronze topology


The Bronze topology is the default configuration as it is the simplest to install.

All components are in the same project. This architecture is simple with the following limitations:

  • There is no separation of Authoring, testing and production. 
  • There is no possibility of Sandbox tests. 
  • There is no possibility of Pre-prod tests. 
  • The tests are limited to Decision Runner. 
  • The Production performance is impacted by the testing and Authoring activities.
  • Performance tests on a Decision Service cannot be performed.
  • Migration or update must be tested on another cluster.
  • Disaster Recovery is not supported.
  • The authentications of Authoring and Production use the same IDP. Thus, there is no separation of Production authentication from others.


A Bronze topology is for prototypes or applications with low production constraints


Limits of Silver topology


The Silver topology is composed of several projects in a single instance of OCP cluster.


With Silver topology, there is a better separation of Production and Authoring. That is the first topology with Sandbox environment for developer's tests and a Pre-prod environment.


The limitations of this topology are:

  • All environments are using the same IDP for authentication, so the production authentication is not completely independent from Authoring Authentication.
  • The installation of the various environments is complex. Each environment with specific ODM components has to be installed in an individual namespace. 
  • Trusted certificates have to be setup (such as for the deployment of decision services from Decision Center in Authoring environment to Sandbox/Pre-prod/Production environment).
  • User roles has to be tuned.
  • Even though there is a clear separation of Authoring, Tests and Production as compared to the Bronze topology, the Sandbox tests could impact Production performance as we are using the same OCP cluster.
  • The Pre-Prod tests could also impact the Production. So limited performance tests are possible
  • Migration or update has to be tested on another cluster.
  • Disaster Recovery is not supported (need another cluster).


The Silver topology is for applications with medium production constraints




The Bronze topology is really the entry level architecture, there are a lot of limitations in terms of SLA and performance.

The Silver topology is the medium level architecture, there are some limitations, but we can run tests in sandbox and increase the quality of the Decision Services with a limited impact on production.

The Gold Topology is the topology for application with high production constraints (SLA, Performance, Disaster Recovery).



