BPM, Workflow, and Case

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Improve your BPM processes and create business dashboards with IBM Process Mining

By Patrick Megard posted Wed November 30, 2022 01:26 AM

Dear BPM practitioners,

With IBM Process Mining, business analysts rely on facts acquired from IT applications to objectively map as-is end-to-end business processes and get insights on bottlenecks, deviations, reworks, and more to improve these processes.

What if you could do such an analysis for your current Business Automation Workflow (BPM) system?

What if you could create business dashboards on contextual data (process variables) within minutes and understand which business data influences lead time and deviations?

A no-code, UI-based asset is available on github public to easily extract the process data from BAW, and upload it to IBM Process Mining. It is a matter of minutes to start the extraction, no code required, just fill-out the parameters in a web form.

The asset has already been used by BAW clients who could extract data easily, and who could pinpoint problems in their as-is process.

Have a look https://github.com/IBM/ibm-process-mining-BAW-accelerator and contact me for further details.

Best regards,

Patrick Mégard
