Decision Management (ODM, ADS)

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Evaluating Operational Decision Manager on Minikube - Tutorial updated for 9.0

By LAURENT GRATEAU posted 4 days ago

The step-by-step guide to deploy an Operational Decision Manager (ODM) instance on Minikube has been updated for ODM 9.0  release.
Minikube is a local Kubernetes that makes it easy to learn and develop for Kubernetes. You can use it to evaluate ODM.

What's new?
  • The tutorial uses the ibm chart repository and the entitled images of ODM.
  • Refresh with the latest Kubernetes version
A schema of the architecture proposed in this tutorial to install ODM on Minikube

The ODM on Kubernetes material is available in the
IBM Entitled Registry for the Docker Images, and in the IBM Helm charts repository for the ODM Helm Chart.

The tutorial uses the following kubernetes concepts:
  • The ODM services are exposed as kubernetes Nodeport services.
  • Minikube implements dynamic provisioning so the database persistent volume is automatically created.

Follow this link to the tutorial.

For more information, refer to the Operational Decision Manager on Certified Kubernetes 9.0.0 documentation.

Hope this helps you on your ODM evaluation on Minikube journey!
