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ODM Bronze topology 21.0.3

By Johanne Sebaux posted Mon August 01, 2022 05:36 AM


Installing the CP4BA ODM bronze topology

This article is part of an article series around Operational Decision Manager (ODM) topologies in context of Cloud Pak for Business Automation (CP4BA). For more information about ODM environments and the topologies, see CP4BA ODM topologies on OpenShift.


This article describes how to create an ODM bronze topology deployment from CP4BA 21.0.3 on the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). The ODM Bronze topology is a production deployment of ODM in a single namespace on a single OCP cluster. It corresponds to the default production pattern deployment.

The Bronze topology is best suited for prototypes or applications with low production constraints (small, no HA). It can also be seen as the baseline for the Silver and Gold topologies.

Deploying an ODM production pattern comes with some choices that can lead to different installation instructions. However, an installation guide builder exists for CP4BA 21.0.3 that can help you to create a tailored installation playbook on the required steps just for ODM from the CP4BA installation documentation.

The article shows you exactly how to use the installation guide builder and work with the generated playbook to create an ODM bronze topology.

Installation guide builder

The installation guide builder for production patterns in CP4BA 21.0.3 can be accessed here:

The guide builder consists of a form that you use to select the steps for your installation playbook.

The installation guide builder enables you to choose options and to select relevant commands for your specific deployment. Sometimes corporate preferences force you to choose a specific option, like installing an offline deployment, and these options can sometimes be hard to find amongst all the steps for all the other options. The guide builder extracts the steps for your option and puts them altogether in a custom playbook.

The installation instructions can be split into three parts: "preparation steps", "deployment steps" and "validation steps". The following example shows a specific set of installation options that can be chosen to create a bronze topology playbook.

Example preparation steps

1. Configure Storage: "Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)"
2. Apply entitlement key: "The IBM Entitled Registry"
3. Install Cloud Pak operators: "By running a script"
4. Prepare the capabilities: "Business Automation Navigator (Foundation)" , "Operational Decision Manager". In the context of CP4BA, the foundation capabilities always include Business Automation Navigator.

Example deployment steps

1. Create a Cloud Pak deployment: "By running the deployment script"
2. Check and complete the generated custom resource and deploy the instance: "Cluster configuration", Business Automation Navigator (Foundation)" , "Operational Decision Manager", "Validate the YAML in your custom resource file", "Deploy the custom resource"

Example validation steps

1. Verify deployment: Business Automation Navigator (Foundation) and Operational Decision Manager.
Now you are ready to display the installation playbook. The playbook displays one web page at a time, which can be saved as a PDF. Note, each page must be downloaded as a separate PDF.

Following the generated playbook

The guide builder asked several questions so that you could make a few choices about your deployment. Each section of the form that you completed generates a separate web page.

· Cloud Pak storage configuration

· Cloud Pak entitlement key

· Cloud Pak operator installation

· Cloud Pak deployment

· Cloud Pak deployment verification

Each section has some choices to make about which instructions to include. The installation playbook includes all the steps that you chose in each section of the guide builder.

The following tables summarize the steps and the results of each step.

Preparation steps

At this stage, you should have your target cluster ready to be used with the Cloud Pak operators up and running. The next stage is to create and validate an ODM bronze topology deployment.

Deployment steps

The following CR YAML file is an example that describes an ODM bronze topology with a Db2 external database with SSL enabled, and Active Directory LDAP:

kind: ICP4ACluster
  name: odmbronze
  labels: ibm-dba ibm-dba ibm-dba
    release: 21.0.3
  appVersion: 21.0.3
  ibm_license: accept
    sc_deployment_license: production
    sc_deployment_context: "CP4A"
    root_ca_secret: icp4a-root-ca
    sc_deployment_patterns: "foundation,decisions"
    sc_optional_components: "decisionCenter,decisionRunner,decisionServerRuntime"
    sc_deployment_type: "Production"
    sc_deployment_platform: "OCP"
    sc_deployment_profile_size: medium
    trusted_certificate_list: []
      sc_slow_file_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
      sc_medium_file_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
      sc_fast_file_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
      sc_block_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
    - admin.registrykey
  ## The beginning section of LDAP configuration for CP4A
    lc_selected_ldap_type: Microsoft Active Directory
    lc_ldap_server: *****
    lc_ldap_port: '***'
    lc_bind_secret: topology-ad-ldap-bind-secret
    lc_ldap_base_dn: *****
    lc_ldap_ssl_enabled: true
    lc_ldap_ssl_secret_name: topology-ad-ldap-ssl-cert
    lc_ldap_user_name_attribute: *****
    lc_ldap_user_display_name_attr: cn
    lc_ldap_group_base_dn: *****
    lc_ldap_group_name_attribute: *:cn
    lc_ldap_group_display_name_attr: cn
    lc_ldap_group_membership_search_filter: *****
    lc_ldap_group_member_id_map: *****
      lc_ad_gc_host: *****
      lc_ad_gc_port: '***'
      lc_user_filter: "(&(cn=%v)(objectclass=person))"
      lc_group_filter: "(&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupofnames)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(objectclass=groupofurls)))"
## The beginning section of database configuration for CP4A
    dc_ssl_enabled: true
      database_ssl_secret_name: ''
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
      database_port: '***'
      dc_common_icn_datasource_name: ECMClientDS
      dc_hadr_standby_port: ''
      database_name: *****
      database_servername: *****
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      dc_oracle_icn_jdbc_url: ''
      dc_hadr_standby_servername: ''
      dc_database_type: db2
      database_servername: *****
      dc_common_database_name: *****
      dc_common_database_instance_secret: topology-odm-db-secret
      dc_common_database_port: '***'
      dc_common_ssl_enabled: true
      dc_database_type: db2
      dc_ssl_secret_name: topology-db2-ssl-cert-for-odm
      ########      IBM Operational Decision Manager configuration    ########
    #  odm_configuration:
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

All the parameters that need to be edited are described in the generated installation guide. However, additional modifications can be made to prune your custom resource YAML file. Use the following table to help you identify the customizable parameters.

At this stage, the ICP4Cluster instance that you named odmbronze is created. After a couple of reconcile loops of the CP4BA operator you can verify the deployment.

Validation steps

The deployment verification is described in the last page of the installation playbook. Further validations can be made at the ODM level, see Validate your ODM topology.

