BPM, Workflow, and Case

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Use Case Configuration Tool to enable case feature in Business Automation Workflow

By JIA LIN WANG posted Thu October 29, 2020 02:57 AM

To enable Case feature in Business Automation Workflow, you need to do three things.
  1. Run BPMConfig command to create deployment environment. The command will also create a profile which will be used in Case Configuration Tool later . This profile is different from WebSphere Application Server's profile.
  2. Run createObjectStoreForContent command once to create three object stores: a content object store, a design or staging object store, a target object store.
  3. Run Case Configuration Tool, complete its configuration and deployment tasks.

Case management system consists of a development environment for creating and testing case management solutions and a production environment for working with running case management solutions. You must configure both environments. You need to run Case Configuration Tool in both environments before you can work with case solutions. The tool will configure desktops and plugins on Navigator, it will also configure object stores, workflow system and more on Content Platform Engine.

It is located in the directory: install_root/CaseManagement/configure, to use the graphical user interface for Case configuration tool, please run "./configmgr" command in Linux operating system, or run "configmgr.exe" command in Windows operating system. Click the "Open Profile" button to open the predefined profile for your current deployment environment, it is located in the directory: install_root/profiles/DmgrProfile/CaseManagement/BPM/profiles/, the predefined profile is created by BPMConfig command during the Deployment Environment creation. The profile has the common information of your system:
  • WebSphere Application Server properties
  • Content Platform Engine server properties
  • IBM Content Navigator server properties

Before running deployment tasks, you'd better check whether the profile's properties values are correct. Click "Test Connection" button to make sure you can establish connections to WebSphere Application Server, Content Platform Engine Server and Navigator Server.

If you edit properties values, please save the profile then run the following tasks, you must run the tasks in the order listed. The tasks list:
  1. Register the Administrative Console for Content Engine (ACCE) plug-in, the task will register ACCE plugin to Content Navigator , create ACCE desktop in Navigator, then copy ACCE plugin to network shared directory.
  2. Configure the Case Management Object Stores, the task is responsible of installing or updating add-on on Design Object Store or Target Object Store, it will install code modules, create "IBM Case Manager" folder, create subscriptions and event actions in Design Object Store or Target Object Store.
  3. Define the Default Project Area / Define Target Environment. Development environment and Production environment both need to run this task. The task will create a connection definition in Design Object Store, you can view it in ACCE later. The connection definition has connection point, the connection point is created on Target Object Store, it's a mapping for case pages, and some information of solutions. You need to run the task on each Target Object Store.
  4. Configure Case Integration with IBM Business Automation Workflow. The task creates event action CmAcmOneBPMWorkflowLaunchEventAction in Content Platform Engine, it stores BPM server information in the CmAcmOneBPMIntegrationDataobject, you can find it in ACCE, path is /IBM Case Manager in Target Object Store. You need to run the task on each Target Object Store.
  5. Deploy the Content Platform Engine Workflow Service, the task will configure some policy sets on BPM server.
  6. Deploy the Content Platform Engine Gateway Service. The task installs BAW's Gateway application and configure policy sets in Content Platform Engine server.
  7. Register the IBM Business Automation Workflow Plug-in. Th task registers workflow plugin in Navigator, the plugin is used for showing BPM processes in Navigator. The task copies the plug-in (bpm-icn-plugin.jar) to network shared directory.
  8. Register the Case Management Services Plug-in. The task registers case API plugin in Navigator, it copies the plugin (ICMAPIPlugin.jar) to network shared directory/plugins, it also changes Content Platform Engine metadata cache time to live, this is important because metadata changes from solution deployment will not appear until the cache metadata expires.
  9. Register the Case Widgets Package. The task registers widgets package (ICMClient.zip) and plugin (ICMClient.jar) in Navigator, copies the widgets to network shared directory, the widget package is the out-of-box widget for Case Client. The Case Client is a web-based application for case workers to complete their work for each case.
  10. Register the IBM Business Automation Workflow Case Administration Client Plug-in. The task registers Case Admin Client plugin in Navigator, Case Admin Client is used for administrating Case. The task also copies the plugin (ICMAdminClientPlugin.jar) to network shared directory/plugins, it creates AddOns directory in network shared directory.
  11. Register Project Area, the task creates a repository for Design Object Store/ Target Object Store, it creates baw desktop and bawadmin desktop in Navigator. It configures PE Isolated region in Content Platform Engine server.
  12. Configure Business Rules. The task configures Case to use Operation Decision Manager's toolkit, enable business rules to be defined in case‘s solutions.Notice : rule repository directory must be a network shared directory which is available to Content Platform Engine server.
  13. Register the Case Monitor Widgets Package. The task registers case monitor widgets package to Navigator. It is responsible for uploading the widgets package to Design Object Store, path is /IBM Case Manager/Widgets, you can view it in ACCE. It also copies ICMRegistry folder to network shared directory, and creates bawMonitor desktop in Navigator.
If the tasks cannot be completed successfully, please read logs in the directory: /INSTALL_ROOT/CaseManagement/logs/IBM_Business_Automation_Workflow_XXX_CCT%g.log These tasks can be repeated, if a task fails to execute, update the properties values in the related panel, and run it again. If you are using an external Content Platform Engine, Please make sure you input the correct connection information of external Content Platform Engine server in the profile before running the deployment tasks.

After these tasks are completed, please restart your whole BAW environment to make the changes take effect.

