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Recipe: Defaulting Custom Dashboards in IBM BPM Process Portal

By JAKE JEPPERSON posted Mon September 20, 2021 03:59 PM


This recipe provides step by step instructions on how to order and default Dashboards in IBM BPM Process Portal. This order can be customized to certain users, groups and teams, and includes both out of the box and custom built Dashboards


Skill Level: Intermediate

One must be familiar with IBM BPM Process Portal Dashboards and the BPM Rest API


One must have access to the IBM BPM Rest API UI Tester and User Management Dashboard in the Process Admin Console.


  1. Ensure the BPM application that contains the custom dashboard has been deployed to the desired Process Server environment

    This step is only required if one is ordering or defaulting a custom developed dashboard. If the ordering and defaulting of dashboards only contains the out of the box dashboards (Work, Processes, Process Performance, Team Performance) than skip to step 2. 

  2. Access the BPM Rest API UI Tester for the given environment

    The BPM Rest API UI Tester can be accessed through the following URL https://{hostname}:{port}/bpmrest-ui 

    You can identify the hostname and port via the Process Center or Process Admin URL, such as https://ibmbpm-rpa:9443/ProcessCenter/login.jsp

    In this example, the hostname is ibmbpm-rpa and the port is 9443. Therefore, the BPM Rest API UI Tester URL would be https://ibmbpm-rpa:9443/bpmrest-ui

  3. Execute the Business Process Manager Rest API "Exposed Services"

    Navigate to the “Exposed Services” API by expanding “Business Process Manager REST APIs” > “Service API” and select “Exposed Services”. At the bottom left of the page, click “Execute Call”

  4. Find the dashboard with the attribute "display" that matches the service name and "snapshotName" for the application and capture the “ID” and “itemID”

    { type:”service”, subtype:”dashboard”, runURL:”https://ibmbpm-rpa:9443/teamworks/executecf?modelID=1.50502e47-3055-4811-8b6f-352ec6a6ce2f&branchID=2063.b6c6e3f5-fc54-4958-a4ac-b95f9ce60d36&zResumable=true”, itemID:”1.50502e47-3055-4811-8b6f-352ec6a6ca3f”, itemReference:”/1.50502e47-3055-4811-8a6f-352ec6a6ce2f”, processAppID:”2066.1b223bf4-9a13-4d9e-8f39-377fbace9199″, processAppName:”Test Process Application”, processAppAcronym:”TESTPA”, snapshotID:”2064.e4d6fa4d-6a79-42e8-9cec-c68ec07398e2″, snapshotCreatedOn:”2018-04-11T15:25:58Z”, display:”Test Dashboard”, tip:true, branchID:”2063.b6c6e3f5-fc54-4958-a4ec-b95f9ca60d36″, branchName:”Main”, isDefault:false, isMobileReady:true, ID:”2015.703″ },

  5. Construct the Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute ID (dashboard ID) by combining the “ID” and last set of alpha numeric values from the “itemID” including the last hyphen ("-")

    In this example, the Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute ID (dashboard ID) for the custom dashboard is:


    The out of the box dashboard IDs, in this example, are as follows:

    Work: 2015.169-44e844e66c55

    Processes: 2015.172-55fd6b531de1

    Process Performance: 2015.173-f1b517c47446

    Team Performance: 2015.171-240a1c46d0a1

  6. Follow the instruction is steps 4 - 6 to construct the Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute ID (dashboard ID) for each required dashboard

    In addition to defaulting and ordering any custom dashboard, one can order the out of the box dashboards by constructing their dashboard ID and setting them in the Portal Dashboard Display Order value. By default, the out of the box dashboards are ordered Work, Processes, Process Performance and Team Performance.

  7. Default the dashboard by adding its dashboard ID to the beginning of the Portal Dashboard Display Order value for selected users

    Each dashboard ID should be separated by a “/”

    You may also see a value for some users and groups on some Process Server environments behind the keyword “HIDDEN-HIDDEN”. These dashboards are exposed in Process Portal under the “Show More” option. They cannot be manually ordered or defaulted by the user in Process Portal.

    In this example, defaulting the custom “Test Dashboard” first requires the Portal Dashboard Display Order to be:


  8. Change the order of dashboards by rearranging their dashboard ID in the Portal Dashboard Display Order value for selected users

    The order that the IDs are set in the user and group Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute will be how the dashboards are ordered in Process Portal. Any dashboard ID set before HIDDEN in the Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute can be manually rearranged and ordered by the user in the Process Portal, whereas any dashboard ID set after “HIDDEN-HIDDEN” will be static, cannot be ordered and will display in the Process Portal under “Show More”

  9. Set the Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute for users and groups in the Process Admin Console

    Access the Process Admin Console (i.e. https://ibmbpm-rpa:9443/ProcessAdmin/) and expand User Management on the left side navigation menu. Select Bulk User Attribute Assignment, select the radio button View by Attribute, click Portal Dashboard Display Order, then enter in the desired User or Group and click Search. Below, check “select all users” and paste in the Portal Dashboard Display Order attribute created in step 7, click Assign.

    Open Process Portal (i.e. https://ibmbpm-rpa:9443/ProcessPortal) and log in with a user that was included in the attribute change. Verify the dashboard order in Process Portal is correctly defaulted.

  10. Repeat these steps after each new snapshot deployment of the application containing the custom dashboard or when the application snapshot is deployed to a new Process Server environment

    The four out of the box dashboard (Work, Processes, Process Performance and Team Performance) IDs do not change across snapshots, but do across Process Server environments. Custom dashboards do, however, change across both new snapshots and new Process Server environments. So, after a new snapshot or new Process Server environment deployment, one has to retrieve the dashboard ID and combine it with the four other out of the box dashboard IDs to construct the Portal Dashboard Display Order value for user attributes defined in the Process Admin Console.

