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Technical Preview of IBM Business Automation Workflow in IBM Cloud Private using CAM/Terraform

By Brian Petrini posted Wed July 18, 2018 12:00 AM


The IBM Business Automation Workflow team has published the enablement for a Technical Preview of IBM Business Automation Workflow in IBM Cloud Private using Cloud Automation Manager.
IBM Cloud Private enables the benefits of a public cloud infrastructure but inside your data center.
IBM Cloud Automation Manager is a multi-cloud, self-service, management platform that runs in IBM Cloud Private.
Terraform templates by HaishiCorp is a tool to building infrastructure.

The benefit of this Tech Preview (not supported) is that based on the configuration you describe in the Terraform template, a full installation of IBM Business Automation Workflow is created in minutes. In this technical preview, IBM Business Automation Workflow is installed into a single VMWare and in a single cluster. In a real production environment it would be expected to distribute the components among several VMWare images for the IBM HTTP Server, the Deployment Manager, the databases, and the clusters of IBM Business Automation Workflow.

The prerequisites to have available:
• IBM Cloud Private with Cloud Automation Manager installed.
• IBM Business Automation Workflow downloaded and in an accessible directory.
• An available physical machine in which to create the VMWare and install IBM Business Automation Workflow.

First you follow the Cloud Automation Manager guidance for getting the trial from Github: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS2L37/cam_creating_template.html
Second Point to our the Business Automation Workflow libraries found under https://github.com/IBM-CAMHub-Open (IBM Cloud Automation Manager)
-Workflow v18.0.0.1 on ICP CAM/Terraform template project: https://github.com/IBM-CAMHub-Open/template_ibm_workflow_singlenode
-Workflow v18.0.0.1 on ICP CAM/Terraform cookbook project: https://github.com/IBM-CAMHub-Open/cookbook_ibm_workflow_multios
Finally you run the Terraform template.

