BPM, Workflow, and Case

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Enabling BAI for Business Object Properties

By APARNA BULUSU posted 2 days ago



I. Install the 22.0.1 Case Management History and Analytics Business Object Auditing Extension

1.    Navigate to ACCE

2.        Expand the Target Object Store

3.        Right Click and click on “Install AddOn Feature”

4.        Select “22.0.1 Case Management History and Analytics Business Object Auditing Extensions” and Click on “OK”

II. Enable Case Emitters for the solution intended for auditing. Follow the link to enable Case Emitters


Enabling  BAI for Business Object Properties using Audit Configuration:

1.        Open bawadmin

2.        Expand Design Object Store

3.        Select the solution

4.        Right Click, Select Manage Audit Configuration

5.        Select Create an Audit Configuration

6.        Give a name to the audit manifest

7.        Click Next

8.        Add the Business Object Properties (By default the added properties will have BAI enabled).

9.        To disable auditing of Business Object Properties select Disable BAI against the particular Business Object Property

10.   Click Next 

11.   Select Apply Audit Configuration

12.   Click on Save and Apply

Post Configuration:

Create the Case Instances for the Case with BO Properties and Audit Enabled.

The BO properties will now be audited and will appear in the audited data.

Here is the sample Business Object properties filled in while creating a case:

Create the Case Instances for the Case with BO Properties and Audit Enabled.

The BO properties will now be audited and will appear in the audited data.

Here is the sample Business Object properties filled in while creating a case:

  "data": {
    "icm": {
      "F_Text": "",
      "F_Subject": "p8act1",
      "BS_BO_Acc_Name": "666Acc_New",
      "BS_AccountID": 666643,
      "BS_BO_Acc_ID": 666346


  1. Enabling Case Event Emitter. https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cp-biz-automation/23.0.1? topic=emitters-case-event-emitter-configuration
  2. Configuring Business Automation Insights for event processing https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cp-biz-automation/23.0.1?topic=foundation-business-automation-insights

