Automating Your Business

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Automation in Software Development Project Management

By Andrej Kovacevic posted Wed August 03, 2022 11:53 AM


Image Source: Pexels

A common misconception is that automation is all about human workers getting displaced by robots. In truth, business process automation frees teams from repetitive and recurring tasks, enabling them to concentrate on more important work projects.

Business Process Automation Defined 

Business Process Automation (BPA) uses computer systems and software to take over labor-intensive processes, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.

In Operations Management, essential operation procedures such as logistics, data processing, and collection can be managed using software applications and systems.

Meanwhile, customer support automation handles client requests with the least amount of human intervention, such as the implementation of automatic replies to customer inquiries. Technologies such as chatbots, self-service communication tools, and other mechanics are utilized.

Automation in Social Media Management involves enhancing social contact using software tools by scheduling posts in advance and uploading press releases, expositions, and other news articles. This dramatically decreases the time consumed in maintaining and developing brand accounts.

Project Management automation ensures that software technology achieves basic tasks and workflow activities such as planning, organizing, and directing a project towards completion. 

While those mentioned above are just some examples of business processes that can be automated, one branch of project management has become quite prominent in recent years. It's none other than software development project management, and automation of its processes has, therefore, picked up steam.

Businesses have realized how much they rely on software to steer their business processes to a better dynamic. More business owners are now assessing the tools they have to manage software development, particularly with teams in remote work setups. 

Here we list some key benefits of automating software development project management.

Why Automation is Essential in Software Development

Increases productivity 

Workflow automation integrates processes by doing away with tedious tasks in business process management and Agile software development. The tools and software increase productivity by allowing the workforce to focus on higher-level functions while managing project work. This also significantly reduces errors in the process. 

Enables quality assurance

Automation is primarily used in testing. It accelerates the testing process and delivers a more precise accuracy. It also helps increase the scope of test coverage, which produces more top-level quality products.

Promotes cost-cutting

Business process automation reduces expenditures by fast processing manual tasks such as entering and collecting data and tracking shipments and logistics management. It can help save as much as 10 to 50% of business costs.

Improves flexibility

Automating the business process facilitates flexibility in the workplace. Employees can adapt to their location or schedule as needed. Management of remote, shift, and part-time work is more straightforward.

Enhances collaboration

It enables an organization to collaborate more between teams through tracking progress reports, sending updates and reminders, and other vital duties. This eases employee dissatisfaction and allows more time to be spent on crucial tasks.

Encourages innovation

When project management is automated, it will allow software developers to concentrate on creativity and innovation instead of repetitive and tedious activities.

Increases efficiency

Automation helps project teams complete multiple development tasks more quickly and easily.

Makes scaling easier

It is easier to regulate automated than manual systems because workers can quickly adapt automated systems to the requirements of more users.

Increases accuracy

Automated tasks are more accurate than manual tasks because they reduce human error.

Several project management platforms were conceptualized with software development teams in mind. These cloud-based project management platforms use collaboration at a whole new level assisting the different stages of the business process. 

One such platform is Shortcut, formerly known as Clubhouse. Built to make it easier for development workforces to collaborate, it also ensures clarity among team members working on the more crucial tasks of bigger projects. 

The platform helps manage agile software projects better than ever before. With other tools, accommodating the workflow seems to be forced, but this one works like it was made explicitly for the job.

Business automation is an excellent procedure for software development projects. Whether businesses are start-ups, mid-sized or large-sized, the platform can standardize workflows across several teams while still allowing each team to make workflows customizable for their own unique processes.

