Key tech notes for Anywhere 7.6.4 Install

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Key tech notes for Anywhere 7.6.4 Install 

Wed March 18, 2020 01:55 PM

Below is a listing of key tech notes for Anywhere 7.6.4 installation

1. Installation Manager Version issues
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Exception caught while evaluating expression in bundle
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2. When a windows app is newly installed, and opened for the first time, the user cannot log in
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3. Ios Mobile Apps fail with special Characters
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4. If you want to update Maximo Asset Management or install an IFIX
If you have a Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4 environment, and you upgrade Maximo Asset Management or install a Maximo Asset Management IFIX, you must run includeanywheremodule.cmd or, or the deployment of the Maximo EAR file will fail with the following error:
      A file does not exist for module element having uri: maxanywhere.war

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