Data Set Designer

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Data Set Designer 

Thu March 26, 2020 03:12 PM

In Maximo, the Data Set Designer is introduced.   This application enables a business analyst and other users the ability to create their own data sets.   This includes selecting attributes from multiple objects, defining sorting, applying filters, previewing, saving and editing.

Once a data set is created, it is available from the data set library panel on the work center - and the user can work with the data content by editing, deleting, exporting to csv or exporting to Watson Analytics.


*Security Access Note:  After granting access to the Data Set Designer application, the security group must also have

(1) Read access to the application granted via the security group application

(2) 'Run report' and 'Create report' access to the application granted via the security group application

(3)  'Set Report Object Structure Security' defined via the action in the Report Administration application.  


A detailed review of the functionality and business rules for the data set designer is available here

Or an overview of the data set designer features, along with the other new Business Analyst features introduced in Maximo, is available here



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