Conditionally changing user interface properties

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Conditionally changing user interface properties 

Wed March 04, 2020 07:15 PM


Conditional UI is a powerful tool that can change the behavior of your user interfaces based on the state of the current record or the role of an individual user.  

To implement some conditional user interface use cases, Maximo 7.x allows you to conditionally change the property values of your widgets.  This is controlled in the Application Designer application by launching the “Configure Conditional Properties” window available under the Advanced tab of the Control Properties window for each control.

To see a full list of the properties that each control accepts, please take a look in the Maximo Asset Management Information Center.  However, not all of these control properties can actually be controlled by Conditional UI. In fact only a small subset of those properties can be controlled by Conditional UI. 

Conditionally Changing Colors or Styles of Fields

There is a property that controls the color and style of a field label and the contents of that field – ‘labelcss’ and ‘cssclass’ – that is not exposed on the Control Properties dialog for any control but can be used by entering it directly in the Configure Conditional Properties dialog above. For more details, please see the wiki page Stylize a label or text control to draw attention to a field or value.

Sig Option Data Source ID

This field is shown on the Advanced tab of the Control Properties dialog but relates to the condition specified in the Conditional Properties dialog. If the condition that is driving the behavior of a control should always be evaluated against the main record (not the table of the attribute that a particular control is bound to, such as a child table) specify ‘MAINRECORD’ in this field on the Control Properties dialog. If you leave it null, the condition will be evaluated against the table of the control’s attribute (usually specified in the Data Source ID property), unless a specific table is part of the condition. This can be useful if one-way relationships are configured between parent/child objects but the reverse relationships have not been created.

More Advanced Properties

The following table identifies the additional properties that can be conditionally changed for each type of widget, which values are valid for that property, and the widget behavior that is controlled by the property.  The “Property Label” is the logical name of this Widget property. You will set the “Property ID” for the property that you wish to change in the “Property” column of the Conditional User Interface Configuration Dialog above.  The Valid Values column lists the specific value or data type accepted by each property. If a datatype is supported for a widget property this notation will be used: <Text> for any simple text value, <HTML> for html values, or <URL> for url values.  For values that require specific strings, the specific strings will be listed.



Property Label

Property Description

Property ID

Valid Values

Application Bar

Not controllable through Conditional UI





Not controllable through Conditional UI




Blank Line

Not controllable through Conditional UI





Not controllable through Conditional UI




Button Group


You can specify a text value in this field to provide a label for the button group. Most button groups do not have a label, because the control functions primarily as a container that holds a layout for its children push button controls.



Button Alignment

Determines whether the button group is on the left, center or right of the section.





You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.



Input Mode

Input mode options are:

Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.

Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.

Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly

Combo Box


You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.




The standard width for a combo box control is 120 pixels. To make the control narrower or wider, enter a numeric value, for example 60 (narrower) or 200 (wider).


<Number of Pixels>

Data Source

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Default Value

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Help Grid

HTML Content

Informational or instructional help text displayed in the Help Grid control.





You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Text Alignment

Determines whether the URL should be positioned on the Left, Center or Right of the section it’s placed in



Image Filename

You can specify the filename of any file stored in the images directory at <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\images. You can reuse any existing images or you can add new images to the directory.

Images can be in any format supported by a browser. When you add a .gif file, you can use it immediately. If you add other file formats, such as .jpg or .bmp files, you must redeploy the .EAR file on the application server to add the images to the user interface.


<filename of image, for example image.jpg>


Basically this gives you finer grained positioning control within a section. You can specify a number that positions a hyperlink in a specific column. Each section control has 7 columns that are not visible to the user. If you specify the value 3 in this field and set text alignment to center, the hyperlink is centered above or below column three. If the hyperlink is wider than its column, the width of the column extends automatically to contain the hyperlink.





You can specify the filename of any file stored in the images directory at <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\images. You can reuse any existing images or you can add new images to the directory.

Images can be in any format supported by a browser. When you add a .gif file, you can use it immediately. If you add other file formats, such as .jpg or .bmp files, you must redeploy the .EAR file on the application server to add the images to the user interface.


<filename of image, for example image.jpg>

Align Image

Determines whether the Image should be positioned on the Left, Center or Right of the section it’s placed in




Basically this gives you finer grained positioning control within a section. You can use columns to manipulate the position of an image. A section has four invisible columns. You can specify a number (1-4) to position an image in the corresponding column. You can change the position of the image by moving the graphic into one of the columns.




Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the height of the image. If you change the default dimensions, the image can become distorted


<height in pixels>


Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the width of the image. If you change the default dimensions, the image can become distorted


<width in pixels>


Not controllable through Conditional UI






You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.




Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the height of the list.


<height in pixels>


Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the width of the list.


<width in pixels>

Input Mode

Input mode options are:

Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.

Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.


default, readonly

Menu Bar

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Multiline Text Box


You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.



Menu Type

You can specify the value of a menu ID in this field to link the control to a preformatted drop-down menu. Menu IDs are stored in the menus.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.




You can specify a lookup ID to link this control to a pre-formatted lookup table that pulls records from the main table. A user can select a record from the lookup table to use in this control.

Lookup IDs are stored in the lookups.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.



Hide Label

By default, the label is visible in the user interface. Select this check box to hide the label.




Number of Columns (default is 35)




Number of Rows



Input Mode

Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.

Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.

Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required

Multipart Text Box


You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.



Menu Type

You can specify the value of a menu ID in this field to link the control to a preformatted drop-down menu. Menu IDs are stored in the menus.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.




You can specify a lookup ID to link this control to a pre-formatted lookup table that pulls records from the main table. A user can select a record from the lookup table to use in this control.

Lookup IDs are stored in the lookups.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.



Hide Label

By default, the label is visible in the user interface. Select this check box to hide the label.



Input Mode

  • Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.
  • Password: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks.
  • Password Readonly: This mode is read-only and displays asterisks.
  • Password Required: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks. The record cannot be saved unless there is a value in the field.
  • Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.
  • Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required, password, passwordrequired, passwordreadonly

Turn Smart Fill Off?

Check this option if you want to disable smart fill which is turned on by default. Smart fill enables a user to enter a partial value in a text box which the system attempts to match to a valid value, or values, in the database. When a matching value is found, the value is entered in the text box. If the system finds more than one matching value, the user can select one from a list of matching values. If you turn smart fill off, user text is not validated during entry.


true, false

GOTO Application

You can associate a pull-down menu with this control and add application names to it that take the user to different applications.  For multiple values, separate them with a comma (no spaces).  Specify the application name that matches the value in maxapps.appname column.


<Application name>

Lookup for part 2

See lookup



Input Mode for Part 2

See input mode


default, readonly, required, password, passwordrequired, passwordreadonly

Is LD Readonly

If the value of Attribute for Part 2 is a long description, you can select this box to set the description to read only. If you leave this field cleared (the default), users can edit the long description.



Parameter Value

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Parameter Values

Not controllable through Conditional UI





Not controllable through Conditional UI






You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Menu Type

You can specify the value of a menu ID in this field to link the control to a preformatted drop-down menu. Menu IDs are stored in the menus.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.



Image Filename

You can specify the filename of any file stored in the images directory at <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\images. You can reuse any existing images or you can add new images to the directory.

Images can be in any format supported by a browser. When you add a .gif file, you can use it immediately. If you add other file formats, such as .jpg or .bmp files, you must redeploy the .EAR file on the application server to add the images to the user interface.


<filename of image, for example image.jpg>


If selected, this button becomes the default button in a button group. You can configure the most frequently used button, for example, New Row, as the default button.


true, false


Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the width of the button (or image if it’s a Image button, image height will scale accordingly)


<width in pixels>

Radio Button


You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Radio Button Group


You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Hide Label

By default, the label is visible in the user interface. Select this check box to hide the label.



Text Alignment

Determines whether the radio buttons should be positioned to the left, center or right of the button labels



Show Border?

Select this check box to show a rectangular border around the control.


true, false

Input Mode

Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.

Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.

Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required

Record Image

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Rich text Editor


You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.



Hide Label

By default, the label is visible in the user interface. Select this check box to hide the label.



Input Mode

Input mode options are:

  • Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.
  • Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.
  • Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required

Menu Type

You can specify the value of a menu ID in this field to link the control to a preformatted drop-down menu. Menu IDs are stored in the menus.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.




You can specify a lookup ID to link this control to a pre-formatted lookup table that pulls records from the main table. A user can select a record from the lookup table to use in this control.

Lookup IDs are stored in the lookups.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.




Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the height of the widget


<height in pixels>


Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the width of the widget


<width in pixels>

Rich text viewer

Not controllable through Conditional UI






You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Show Border?


Select this option to add a horizontal rule to the top and bottom of the section. If you define a label for the section, the horizontal rules are not added.


true, false


You can specify text to show under the label in the title bar of the section.



Input Mode

Input mode options are:

  • Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.
  • Password: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks.
  • Password Readonly: This mode is read-only and displays asterisks.
  • Password Required: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks. The record cannot be saved unless there is a value in the field.
  • Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.
  • Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required, password, passwordrequired, passwordreadonly

Section Column

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Section Header


You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Section Row

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Static Text


You can specify a text value in this field to override the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.






left, center, right 


Basically this gives you finer grained positioning control within a section. You can use columns to manipulate the position of an image. A section has four invisible columns. You can specify a number (1-7) to position an image in the corresponding column. You can change the position of the widget by changing the column





Number that allows static text to span columns






You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Tab Group

Not controllable through Conditional UI







You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.





Number of pixels (default is approx. 1000; min is 400)




Text in this field displays under the label in the title bar of the table.



Start Empty?

If you select this option, the table always opens without displaying records. If you do not select the option (the default), the table automatically shows records that match the search query when opened.


true, false

Filter Expanded?

Should the filter row be expanded


true, false

Row Details Expanded?

Should the table row details section be expanded by default


true, false


Can the table be collapsed


true, false

Collapsed Empty Label

You can specify a value that will override the table title (label property) when the table is collapsed and empty.



Collapsed Label

You can specify a value that will override the table title (label property) when the table is collapsed.



Parent Empty Label

If this table is a child of a parent table, and that table is empty, this value overrides the title of the parent table.



Input Mode

Input mode options are:

  • Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.
  • Password: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks.
  • Password Readonly: This mode is read-only and displays asterisks.
  • Password Required: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks. The record cannot be saved unless there is a value in the field.
  • Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.
  • Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required, password, passwordrequired, passwordreadonly

Order By

You can specify the order in which a SQL query fetches data for the data source for this control


ASC or DSC and then an attribute name (i.e. 'ASC ASSETNUM')

Display Rows Per Page

Number of table rows to display per page




If you select this option, a filter row is provided to enable the user to search the table. The Filterable property is enabled by default and the setting automatically applies to table columns in the table. This option must be selected if you want to use the Filter Expanded property.


true, false

Table Column


set the sigoptiondatasrc ID to “MAINRECORD” if your condition  examines a field on the parent object.













You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



CSS Class Name



Class name from the css file

GOTO Application

You can associate a pull-down menu with this control and add application names to it that users can click to go to different applications.


Specify an app name that is a valid value in maxapps.appname. For multiple values, separate them with a comma (no spaces).

Input Mode

Input mode options are:

  • Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.
  • Password: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks.
  • Password Readonly: This mode is read-only and displays asterisks.
  • Password Required: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks. The record cannot be saved unless there is a value in the field.
  • Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.


default, readonly, password, passwordrequired, passwordreadonly

Column Image

You can specify the filename of any file stored in the images directory at <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\images. You can reuse any existing images or you can add new images to the directory.

Images can be in any format supported by a browser. When you add a .gif file, you can use it immediately. If you add other file formats, such as .jpg or .bmp files, you must redeploy the .EAR file on the application server to add the images to the user interface.


<filename of image, for example image.jpg>


Number of pixels across



Menu Type

You can specify the value of a menu ID in this field to link the control to a preformatted drop-down menu. Menu IDs are stored in the menus.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.




You can specify a lookup ID to link this control to a pre-formatted lookup table that pulls records from the main table. A user can select a record from the lookup table to use in this control.

Lookup IDs are stored in the lookups.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.



Turn Smart Fill Off?

Select this option to disable smart fill which is turned on by default. Smart fill enables a user to enter a partial value in a text box which the system attempts to match to a valid value, or values, in the database. When a matching value is found, the value is entered in the text box. If the system finds more than one matching value, the user can select one from a list of matching values. If you turn smart fill off, user text is not validated during entry.


true, false

Is LD Readonly?

By default, the system sets a long description associated with a table column attribute to editable. Select this field to make the long description read-only.


true, false

URL Attribute

Enter a URL value if you set the Type property for this control to Link. The URL value becomes a hyperlink.



Text Box


You can specify a text value in this field to override label for the control.



Menu Type

You can specify the value of a menu ID in this field to link the control to a preformatted drop-down menu. Menu IDs are stored in the menus.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.




You can specify a lookup ID to link this control to a pre-formatted lookup table that pulls records from the main table. A user can select a record from the lookup table to use in this control.

Lookup IDs are stored in the lookups.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files.



Input Mode

Input mode options are:

  • Default: The default input mode is read/write. Any information entered in this field is stored in the database column specified in the Attribute field.
  • Password: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks.
  • Password Readonly: This mode is read-only and displays asterisks.
  • Password Required: This mode is read/write and displays asterisks. The record cannot be saved unless there is a value in the field.
  • Readonly: This mode is read-only and shows grayed-out text.
  • Required: This mode is read/write and the record cannot be saved unless the user enters a value in the field.


default, readonly, required, password, passwordrequired, passwordreadonly

Turn Smart Fill Off?

Select this option to disable smart fill which is turned on by default. Smart fill enables a user to enter a partial value in a text box which the system attempts to match to a valid value, or values, in the database. When a matching value is found, the value is entered in the text box. If the system finds more than one matching value, the user can select one from a list of matching values. If you turn smart fill off, user text is not validated during entry.


true, false

Read Only Long Description?

By default, the system sets a long description associated with a table column attribute to editable. Select this field to make the long description read-only.


true, false

GOTO Application

You can associate a pull-down menu with this control and add application names to it that users can click to go to different applications.


Specify an app name that is a valid value in maxapps.appname. For multiple values, separate them with a comma (no spaces).


Not controllable through Conditional UI




Tree Attribute

Not controllable through Conditional UI




Tree Node

Not controllable through Conditional UI







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