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  • 1.  Work Center - Adding field to search bar

    Posted Fri August 05, 2022 02:34 PM
    Hi all,

    My goal is to add the ASSET.ASSETTAG field to the list of values searchable on the Submit a Service Request Work Center.

    I've done quite a bit of work (essentially, anywhere i saw assetnum or description in the maximo-submitsr-asset.js file i duplicated and changed the attribute to assettag). That didn't work so I reverted back to the OOTB js file and updated the lookups.json file in the script\common and updated the "assetdetail" lookup which is being called in the maximo-submitsr-asset.html file to include the assettag attribute. That option still did not work. Any suggestions?


    Matt McGuire


  • 2.  RE: Work Center - Adding field to search bar

    Posted Mon August 08, 2022 10:20 AM
    The lookups.json assetdetail lookup seems to be the appropriate place to change this by changing the searchAttributeNames. Did you rebuild the WAR and redeploy after the change? Wondering if maybe there's some sort of cache issue going on. I would try this in an InPrivate window after deploying the changes and see if that resolves it.

    Steven Shull

  • 3.  RE: Work Center - Adding field to search bar

    Posted Wed August 10, 2022 09:39 AM
    Thank you Steven! Clearing my browser cache worked. It's always so simple...

    Matt McGuire

  • 4.  RE: Work Center - Adding field to search bar

    Posted yesterday


    We need to display ASSET.ASSETTAG field to the list of values searchable on the Submit a Service Request Work Center.

    updated the lookups.json file in the script\common and updated the "assetdetail" lookup but it is not working after rebuilding and deployment.

    Can you please let us know where exactly we need to change ?

    anitha sriramaneni