Is this possible to make the sort options /sort order defaulted to "location" for user with security group=group1 and then it should change dynamically whenever the user with different security group login or user the "TECHNICIAN" mobile app(Maximo Mobile)
Original Message:
Sent: Sun November 12, 2023 10:05 AM
From: Bartosz Marchewka
Subject: Sort order of Work orders in TECHMOBILE
Hi Patrik,
I couldn't find it in official documentation but it looks like it's enough to add desc together with attribute name into the order-by property.
Then framework will change that to this REST call:
If you put only attribute name then default is ASC.
Example order by wopriority desc:
<maximo-datasource id="dswolist" object-structure="mxapiwodetail" saved-query="uxtechnicianownerfilter" order-by="wopriority desc" pre-load="false" controller="ScheduleDataController" selection-mode="single" geometry-format="geojson" default="false">
Bartosz Marchewka
Original Message:
Sent: Sun November 12, 2023 08:44 AM
From: Patrik Nilsson
Subject: Sort order of Work orders in TECHMOBILE
Thanks Nivin,
Followup question, would it be possible to specify if the sort order should be ASC or DESC?
Patrik Nilsson
Original Message:
Sent: Fri November 10, 2023 09:10 PM
From: Nivin Jacob George
Subject: Sort order of Work orders in TECHMOBILE
Assuming you have the Maximo Application Framework (MAF) setup and running the Docker image, it is possible to modify the TECHMOBILE app.xml and include the "order-by" tag.
For example:
<maximo-datasource-override id="todaywoassignedDS" saved-query="ASSIGNEDWOLIST" mobile-qbe-filter="{{'status_maxvalue': '!=COMP,CAN,CLOSE,WAPPR'}, {'status': '!=MCOMP'}}" offline-immediate-download="true" order-by="schedstart,targstartdate"/>
Will sort the default query - Assigned Work, by scheduled start and target start date
Nivin Jacob George Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant
BPD Zenith
Melbourne VIC
Original Message:
Sent: Fri November 10, 2023 08:51 AM
From: Patrik Nilsson
Subject: Sort order of Work orders in TECHMOBILE
Is it possible to change the default sort order for Work Order Cards in TECHMOBILE?
Seems like the default sort order is WONUM I would like to sort on SCHEDSTART with the WO withthe closest start date in the top.
Patrik Nilsson