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  • 1.  Running a client-side BIRT report from the toolbar and skip the request page

    Posted 2 days ago

    I'm trying to figure out how to run a BIRT report from a toolbar icon, pass a couple of report parameters, and skip the request page.

    I seem to be able to do this on the server side, but that doesn't do much for the user unless I save the output and e-mail it.

    This is a report where the only parameters I'm using are the logged-in user's ID and the output format.  I've seen how to easily call the request page from a toolbar icon and I guess I can live with that, but I'd prefer to skip the request page if possible.

    Brandon Fisher

  • 2.  RE: Running a client-side BIRT report from the toolbar and skip the request page

    Posted 15 hours ago

    I believe I can help with the first part about getting the USERID without requiring an selectable/entering a value as a parameter. I had a similar issue a while back that we wanted to identify the person who ran a report, but not require the person to include the USERID as a parameter that was asked for when the report ran. I ended essentially doing a "sub-select" on the OPEN method of the report to identify the Maximo user who was running the report. 

    This allowed the report to get the value of the parameter and enter the parameter value, but not require the Maximo user to actually enter any information. You should be able to essentially set any other parameters in a similar way - e.g. report format. 

    I would have added some code snippets in here, but the site doesn't like javascript this morning for some reason. 

    I wrote up the full details here: 

    Jason Verly
    Director of Reliability Engineering
    Agropur US

  • 3.  RE: Running a client-side BIRT report from the toolbar and skip the request page

    Posted 8 hours ago

    Thanks - I did move to using the userName parameter to get rid of the need for that parameter in the app.  The format parameter I'm not sure about... It seems like it needs to be get to the "__format" parameter in the report URL and I'm not thinking there's a way to force that from within the report.   I can work around this via the openreport.jsp file, but it seemed like there must be some easier way that I'm missing.

    Brandon Fisher

  • 4.  RE: Running a client-side BIRT report from the toolbar and skip the request page

    Posted 7 hours ago

    Is the expectation that the report will run without a request page and automatically download a PDF?

    You could setup the report with the "Browser View" to prevent the use of a Request Page:

    This setup allows a user to run the report and open a new tab with the report results. From there you can export the report in whatever format they want. 
    And because you implemented the USERID process, the Browser View report will internally use that parameter within the report, but will not be required to run. 

    Jason Verly
    Director of Reliability Engineering
    Agropur US