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  • 1.  mxevent definition and usage

    Posted Mon February 28, 2022 09:42 AM
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    I pulled the unique mxevent names from our library.xml ( and found some to be interesting. Is there a document from IBM (or anyone) that details what these do, how one could use them with custom apps/custom dialogs (in app or library).
    I've attached that file, just in case others may be interested in that list.
    [I used powershell to pull those].

    thanks in advance,

    John Dyer



  • 2.  RE: mxevent definition and usage

    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 08:48 AM
    mxevent can tie to a lot of things in Maximo. For example, you can launch a dialog by utilizing a mxevent of the same name as the dialog. This dialog can exist inside the app or some of the system libraries like the library.xml.  It can also refer to a java method in the underlying bean class. This is what most of the actions are calling. It can also be tied to an automation script & sigoption and invoke the automation script based on it, though we don't ship any of those out of the box.

    If there's a specific one you want to learn more about I'd be happy to elaborate on its purpose. In general, aside from the standard actions that you'll use throughout (dialogok for example), the rest are specific to its purpose and most likely can't be re-used outside of that specific situation.

    Steven Shull

  • 3.  RE: mxevent definition and usage

    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 11:06 AM
    Thanks for the explanation, esp. as to usage, in that some are more of a general use.
    My interest is trying to get a list of records from one child table. With a multi-select option, the user would select and then click the button to insert (selected fields) into another a child table.
    I'm also having a mental fog about specifying the correct relationship, data sources etc. I've been working maximo for a while, but I have a new custom app and thus several dialog boxes I have to use.
    So, is dialogok appropriate to use to push select fields from other records into another table? I do have the tools to wright custom actions using JavaScript, and maybe that's the route.
    John K Dyer
    SAMMS Program Manager / Administrator
    National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters
    US Fish and Wildlife Service
    MS: NWRS
    5275 Leesburg Pike
    Falls Church, VA 22041-3803
    Telephone: 703-358-2083 Fax: 703-358-2518
    Cell (FWS): 571-334-7116 Cell (Pers): 703-973-5708
    Infrastructure Management Division SharePoint
    You may be a prisoner of your own fears, but you should not ever become a prisoner of another's fears. Nor seek to make another a prisoner of your fears.

  • 4.  RE: mxevent definition and usage

    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 11:36 AM
    This is doable but you'll need to do some more configuration. Think of dialogok as a basic save and close of the dialog. You'll need an action, either Java or Automation script, to take the data from your child object and load it into the other child object. I'd suggest an action launch point automation script. You'll also want to make sure that in your dialog you associate the bean class psdi.webclient.system.beans.MultiselectDataBean. This is needed to properly support the multiselect.

    In your script you can then get the selected MBO records a couple of different ways to iterate over and add to your other child set. I talked about one approach here:

    I can't do an end to end example at the moment but if you hit issues let me know and I'll try to put something together.

    Steven Shull

  • 5.  RE: mxevent definition and usage

    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 01:09 PM
    Super good information – I'm going to go whack it a little bit more before throwing in the towel; it's good to learn, if it mostly from mistakes – not smart or best practice, but I'm dealing with the hand ... at hand.
    John K Dyer
    SAMMS Program Manager / Administrator
    National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters
    US Fish and Wildlife Service
    MS: NWRS
    5275 Leesburg Pike
    Falls Church, VA 22041-3803
    Telephone: 703-358-2083 Fax: 703-358-2518
    Cell (FWS): 571-334-7116 Cell (Pers): 703-973-5708
    Infrastructure Management Division SharePoint
    You may be a prisoner of your own fears, but you should not ever become a prisoner of another's fears. Nor seek to make another a prisoner of your fears.

  • 6.  RE: mxevent definition and usage

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 11:04 AM
    Hi John,

    The events you are referencing are either select action menu item names or method names on the hierarchy of data bean classes that are defined within each table section and ending with the top level app bean.  

    For example the SAVE event (case sensitive) is actually the:
    public int SAVE() throws MXException, RemoteException
    method signature of the 
    class, from which all the other AppBean classes extend.

    For a further example on the 

    class there is a method called MOVEASSET, which is then the method that is called when the MOVEASSET event is fired.
    public int MOVEASSET() throws RemoteException, IOException, ServletException
    Hopefully that makes sense, but if you have further questions feel free to reach out.

    Jason VenHuizen

  • 7.  RE: mxevent definition and usage

    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 11:13 AM


    Thanks for the bit of information. It looks like the pages here, Maximo 7.6 API - A-Index ( is the resource, or a resource about a LOT of information. That looks a little more advanced that I have the brains for at this time.



    John K Dyer

    SAMMS Program Manager / Administrator

    National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters

    Maximo 7.6 API - A-Index (

    Telephone: 703-358-2083 Fax: 703-358-2518

    Cell (FWS): 571-334-7116 Cell (Pers): 703-973-5708


    Infrastructure Management Division SharePoint

    Documents on SharePoint


    You may be a prisoner of your own fears, but you should not ever become a prisoner of another's fears. Nor seek to make another a prisoner of your fears.