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MIF processor ingror changes of processing Mbo in scripts

  • 1.  MIF processor ingror changes of processing Mbo in scripts

    Posted 6 hours ago


    We using IBM Maximo

    I have a next problem. We have some customization on ASSET mbo, made with scrips on SAVE.

    Script set svalue of the attribute, based on the value in this attribute and some other rules. 

    In UI it works fine, no problems. 

    But, when we have changes of Mbo from MIF, script acts, but any changes of primary MBO are ignored.

    It means:

    we have mbo with attribute "ZZZ" (even tried with description) = "111". 

    we have in import json (xml. csv doesnt make difference) the value ZZZ  = "123"

    Script should change this value to 321 by mbo.setValue("ZZZ", "321")

    after mbo saved value is "123".

    what interesting, in debugging, i have that script setValue ignored:

    System.out.println("ISA: mbo.getString(\"ZZZ\") = " + str(mbo.getString("ZZZ"))); 
    #output zzz = 123 as in JSON 
    System.out.println("ISA: mbo.getString(\"ZZZ\") = " + str(mbo.getString("ZZZ")));
    #output zzz = 123 as in JSON 

    I tried to do same way, but in script for inregration (objectscruture Inbound processing)

    Result is same:

    def afterMboData(ctx):
        System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx));
        System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.isPrimary()));
        System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo()));
        if ctx.getPrimaryMbo() and ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getName() == "ASSET":
            System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getString("DESCRIPTION")));
    # output as in JSON
            ctx.getPrimaryMbo().setValue("DESCRIPTION",  "...");
            System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getString("DESCRIPTION")));
    # output as in JSON   
        if ctx.getPrimaryMboSet() and  ctx.getPrimaryMboSet().getName() == "LOCATIONS" and ctx.getPrimaryMboSet().getMbo(0):
            System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMboSet().getMbo(0).getString("DESCRIPTION")));
    # output as in JSON
            ctx.getPrimaryMboSet().getMbo(0).setValue("DESCRIPTION",  "...");
            System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMboSet().getMbo(0).getString("DESCRIPTION"))); 
    # output as in JSON
    def preSaveRules(ctx):
        System.out.println("ISA: preSaveRules " + str(ctx));
        System.out.println("ISA: preSaveRules isPrimary " + str(ctx.isPrimary()));
        System.out.println("ISA: preSaveRules getPrimaryMbo " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo()));
        System.out.println("ISA: preSaveRules getPrimaryMbo is locations" + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getName() == "ASSET"));
        if ctx.getPrimaryMbo() and ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getName() == "ASSET":
            System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getString("DESCRIPTION")));
    # output as in JSON
            ctx.getPrimaryMbo().setValue("DESCRIPTION",  "...");
            System.out.println("ISA: afterMboData " + str(ctx.getPrimaryMbo().getString("DESCRIPTION")));
    # output as in JSON

    Any ideas, why it so and how to manage it?

    Andrey Ilinskiy