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Maximo Spatial - ESRI Rest service geometry field name not SHAPE

  • 1.  Maximo Spatial - ESRI Rest service geometry field name not SHAPE

    Posted Fri January 26, 2024 01:01 PM

    I'm troubleshooting a Maximo Spatial integration and looking at configuration changes to fix various issues. The Shape fields in the Esri Rest services are called GEOM instead of the usual default of SHAPE. Is this likely to cause issues for Maximo? I suspect they were originally created by FME. The geometry (coordinates) comes through fine at the Rest endpoint (via JSON or HTML output) but my concern is related to the Maximo Map and whether that's looking for the SHAPE field specifically.

    From the 7.6.1 documentation (Creating and configuring maps) there is mention of:

    • All map layers that are configured to relate to Maximo records must have the OBJECTID field and the SHAPE field enabled in the Layer Properties window in ESRI ArcMap.