I need help with some development against Maximo Mobile Count Books (ICMOBILE). I have added memo_ud to the counted tab, so when the users are ready to save their progress they can add a note to the part and save that back into the Maximo UI. RoleBased App works. But the mobile piece is partially working. If the user does a count and then saves it and then adds a memo it works. But if a user adds a count and a memo it just spins and the memo doesn't get updated but the count is recorded. If a user adds a count but a memo to a different part and saves, it spins but everything updates. I'm lost.
This is what I've added to the CountBookDetailPageController.js.
async updateMemoField(item, event) {
const newValue = event.target.value;
if (typeof newValue === 'string') {
item.memo_ud = newValue; // Update memo field
this.page.state.enablesave = true;
try {
const dataSource = this.page.findDatasource('countBookDetailDSCounted_JSON');
const modifiedItems = dataSource.items.filter(item => item.memo_ud === newValue); // Get modified items
// If there are modified items, save the memo
if (modifiedItems.length > 0) {
const response = await dataSource.save({ waitForUpload: true });
console.log("Memo saved successfully");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error saving memo:", error);
Any help would be appreciated!
Stacy Yeater