Original Message:
Sent: Thu November 16, 2023 09:29 PM
From: Maycon Belfort
Subject: MAXIMO Mobile 8.11.0
Hi Pankaj,
Below are my comments on your questions.
1) Why it does not show all the mobile enabled apps? Do I have to do anything more (e.g. grant os security etc)? Any clue how do I should work on that?
You need to grant access to the user you're using to connect to the MAF tool. Go to your security group, in tab Applications, and search for "tools" in the Application Type column. Using the button Manage/Apply Templates in the table below the list of applications with title Options for [APP NAME], you can apply the template and it will grant access to all object structures that you need. Repeat this step for all applications you want to grant access to the security group.
2) I added the "MobileDBGeneration" cron task instance and activated. After a series of tries, I was able to fix all the issues (errors reported in app log). How do I know that the "MobileDBGeneration" is successfully completed? Is there any tables/view that I can look into to make sure that the db is successfully created.
You can follow this link to configure, troubleshoot and check the database. https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6855299
You can also query the table mobiledb and confirm you have an ACTIVE database for your person group.
3) I suppose the "MobileDBGeneration" cron task requires the system property "mxe.int.globadir" . The value of this property is null in our instance. What value shall we have there? This way I can work with our cloud provider.
It's not mandatory. If empty, it will generate the files on the default location under WebSphere folder. E.g. C:\IBM\Websphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgAppServ01\maximo
4) The maximo logs keep showing following errors.
You can ignore it unless you're using the License Usage Monitor application. You can open a PMR to IBM and ask for the fix or try inserting the records for each mobile application on the MAXLICAPPACCESS table.
Maycon Belfort
BPD Zenith
Original Message:
Sent: Thu November 16, 2023 06:52 PM
From: Pankaj Bhide
Subject: MAXIMO Mobile 8.11.0
I am relatively novice to Maximo Mobile 8.11.0, so a few questions may sound weird. Sorry for that. I did search the forum discussion before posting these questions but I did not get any direct answers.
We are trying to utilize Maximo mobule 8.11.0 with Maximo
I got the docker image from our cloud provider and I successfully loaded the image. I started the container and it successfully stared.
I later browsed "http://localhost:3001/maximo". It showed only 2 apps
1) Why it does not show all the mobile enabled apps? Do I have to do anything more (e.g. grant os security etc)? Any clue how do I should work on that?
2) I added the "MobileDBGeneration" cron task instance and activated. After a series of tries, I was able to fix all the issues (errors reported in app log). How do I know that the "MobileDBGeneration" is successfully completed? Is there any tables/view that I can look into to make sure that the db is successfully created.
3) I suppose the "MobileDBGeneration" cron task requires the system property "mxe.int.globadir" . The value of this property is null in our instance. What value shall we have there? This way I can work with our cloud provider.
4) The maximo logs keep showing following errors:
UserAnalyserCrontask found that application TECHMOBILE is not present in MAXLICAPPACCESS table
UserAnalyserCrontask found that application SUPMOBILE is not present in MAXLICAPPACCESS table
UserAnalyserCrontask found that application SRMOBILE is not present in MAXLICAPPACCESS table
What does this indicate? How can we fix them? Can we ignore them for a while?
Please help.
Thanks in advance
Pankaj Bhide