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Maximo Application Suite - how to use Openmap setting in Manage Health

  • 1.  Maximo Application Suite - how to use Openmap setting in Manage Health

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue December 27, 2022 09:35 AM

    Hi there,

    Within our company we have 3 Full OpenShift clusters running in our data center and 7 MAS Manage instances. I have 2 instances running with Manage, Spatial and Health. Spatial is running fine and shows me the maps, services and features correctly (for different industries we have different map services and feature layers). When combining spatial with Health an extra Openmap Map needs to be created and in this map with type OpenMap I can choose either arcgis or openmap. When using arcgis, the data is not always well displayed and a lot of messages are displayed that I miss either service address data or geo data on the assets from the query, although I am sure that all assets in the query do have a proper service address and also the required plussgeojson attribute.

    I was trying to change the type to openmap, but there is no information found on the entire internet how to do this and which openmap URL or map service can be used. It would be great if IBM can provide me an example, since if there is a possibility to choose either arcgis or openmap, then I assume this was developed and tested by IBM with a purpose.

    Just want to be sure that Manage Health can also run without having spatial, but using the free available openmap features to display the health settings of asset on a geo map.

    Any answer is welcome and highly appreciated


    Jan-Willem Steur

    Jan-Willem Steur


  • 2.  RE: Maximo Application Suite - how to use Openmap setting in Manage Health

    Posted Wed December 28, 2022 05:05 PM
    Hi, OpenMaps can be used in Mobile or Spatial.  They don't work in the core Maximo applications.  It's a way to have a no cost map.  It's pretty straightforward to set up.  See the section Step 4: Configure map URL, settings, and scale from the link below.  When you have an OpenMap setup with the MAF toggle automatically enabled, you can't have that MAF toggle enabled for another active map for the same site.  So for your Spatial map, turn the MAF toggle off.

    I pasted a screenshot of my OpenMap setup.  You can try this basemap for ArcGIS as the map provider.

    The Health map uses a field called Geometry.  Geometry information is stored in this field in a Binary format that was developed by IBM research.  The Rest API query returns the values from this field in either GeoJSON or WKT format.   In Map Manager, you will see a Select Action > Configure Geometry Fields.  This is where you set the default format that the Geometry field will be returned in for each object, e.g. Asset, Location, Work Order.  

    In 8.10, the plan is to move away from the PLUSSGEOJSON field in Mobile to the Geometry field to store the geometry in the binary format.  Mobile will use a nonpersistent autolocate field to determine the location of a record to display on the map.   I can provide more details as we get closer to the 8.10 release.    There is also talk of only needing 1 Map Manager record if you are using Spatial.  

    Lacey Lurges

  • 3.  RE: Maximo Application Suite - how to use Openmap setting in Manage Health

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu December 29, 2022 04:32 AM
    Thank you Lacey for the clear and useful answer 


    Jan-Willem Steur