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  • 1.  MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Wed March 22, 2023 09:14 AM

    Hi All,

    Has anyone installed Maximo Application Suite (MAS) on any other container platform other than Open Shift ?

    If so, what are those container platforms?



    Srinivas Vuppala


  • 2.  RE: MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Wed March 22, 2023 07:24 PM

    Hi Srini, MAS is only supported on OpenShift.

    Steve Hauptman

  • 3.  RE: MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Thu March 23, 2023 01:38 AM

    You should be able to install MAS also on OKD, which is the upstream free version of OpenShift. Have not tried that myself, but got confirmation from IBMer that it should work. Of course it is not officially supported by IBM.

    Witold Wierzchowski

  • 4.  RE: MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Thu March 23, 2023 01:58 AM
    I wrote a blog series on deploying with okd on digital ocean a couple of years ago.  

    Hope that helps.  Note some of it may be slightly out of date at this point. 


  • 5.  RE: MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Mon March 27, 2023 03:43 PM


    Given that IBM supports only OpenShift deployment, it occurs to me that any value gained from lessons learned from deploying on anything other than OCP is limited.  I would rather spend my time learning how to deploy on supported environments.  Last thing I would want to do is learn something that might not be true in OCP.  e.g. use of operators and sequencing of installs, whether ansible scripts work or not. There are a lot of "false positives" that I can think of, that would waste my time in something that is not supported.  

    If you are looking for a learning environment, there are lots of sources on The training there has come a long way and if you want to learn how to deploy in a small environment that you can learn OCP on, then the Single Node Openshift (SNO) is the way to go.  You do need a pretty beefy laptop (64 GB Ram 1TB Disk in my opinion.) I think you can have smaller storage but must have 64 GB ram. Most Mac won't do it because of this.

    my opinion... hope it helps.

    Bradley K. Downing , MBA
    Senior Brand Technical Specialist
    Bakersfield CA

  • 6.  RE: MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Wed April 05, 2023 09:32 AM

    Hi Bradley,

    Can you share some training links on how to setup Open shift environment for Maximo.

    Is there any learning environment where I can try ?



  • 7.  RE: MAS installation other than openshift

    Posted Wed April 05, 2023 06:53 PM

    Hi Srini!

    Thanks for your interest in IBM Training. I have taken the liberty to send you a Maximo Application Suite Training  link.  It is at the IBM Training site and I simply added "Maximo Application Suite" to filter the offerings.  When you find something of interest (and there is quite a bit there...) you can sign up. Some classes are paid, some are FREE!  Afterwards you can also filter there on "RedHat OpenShift" and see additional classes that feature how to set up and use the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). There is one specifically for how to set up MAS on OCP.  I trust this helps.

    Insofar as a training environment there are several things you may or may not have access to.  Depends on whether you are a customer or a Business Partner.  If you are a BP then you should have access to a number of resources including TechZone, a site for IBMrs and BPs who support IBM customers.  If you are a customer then you will need access to IBM Cloud, AWS or Azure, and have an available environment on which you can learn how to install Maximo Application Suite. Finally if you have access to your company's data center and have the permissions needed to set up and provision the hardware necessary ( you can learn about that here: Requirements and capacity planning), to support your MAS install, then you can that as well.

    Again, I trust this will help you on your MAS journey.


    Bradley K. Downing , MBA
    Senior Brand Technical Specialist
    Bakersfield CA