MAM'm trying to learn about different options for displaying multiple related records/values in an application.
As a hypothetical example, I want to add a listbox control to WOTRACK that displays the people that are in the WORKORDER.OWNERGROUP person group.
I've created a custom relationship on WORKORDER:
- Relationship: CG
- Where Clause: persongroup=:ownergroup
And I've added a listbox control to WOTRACK:
I've tried a few different combinations of control properties (filled in the Business Object Name, Parent Data Source ID, Key Attribute, etc). But I'm really just taking shots in the dark (even after
reading the documentation).
Despite trying a few different combinations of things, the listbox just says "Bad key" or is blank.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get a listbox control working / how to fill in the control properties? Or maybe listbox controls aren't designed to work this way?