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  • 1.  Issue accessing Manage Inspection Forms and Saving

    Posted Tue April 25, 2023 08:15 AM


    We have recently upgraded to along with iFix 005. Post upgrade when we are trying to access "Manage Inspection Forms" we are getting below error:

    BMXAA9105E - Invalid OSLC order by identifier name specified. Make sure the identifier is included in the resource definition.

    In the background below query is getting fired and failed:


    If you see highlighted part of above query is causing issues. If we replace "name" by "description" it works fine. So there is some setting somewhere which is not allowing "name" field to be used. Any pointers?

    Suhas Joshi

  • 2.  RE: Issue accessing Manage Inspection Forms and Saving

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 08:42 AM

    NAME should be a valid attribute on INSPECTIONFORM. Can you go into Database Configuration and verify that on the INSPECTIONFORM object you see NAME and that its search type is set to WILDCARD/EXACT?  It's possible if this was set to NONE that the REST API would prevent sorting on it. 

    Steven Shull

  • 3.  RE: Issue accessing Manage Inspection Forms and Saving

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 08:50 AM

    Hi Steven,

    Thanks for the inputs. I was able to resolve the issue. The problem was NAME attribute was somehow excluded from the MXAPIINSPFORM object structure. I have included it and now it is working fine.

    Suhas Joshi