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  • 1.  IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Thu November 11, 2021 08:05 AM
    Can anyone help me to better understand what the OOTB Integration in the ARCGISSYS - ArcGIS External System is designed to get from GIS for Service Addresses?

    What does the Enterprise Service ARCGISSRVAD - "ARCGIS SERVICEADDRESS synchronization"  and the Publish Channel  ARCGISSRVAD - "ARCGIS SERVICEADDRESS synchronization" designed to communicate with in the ArcGIS System?

    What Feature is this to link or what in ArcGIS is this supposed to be able to bring in and push out? In particular I am looking for what info I can get to get me Lat/Long value based "locations" to tie to?

    Also any guidance on when you sync to these vs using the actual LOCATION as the sync values? Very confused? When I should use LOCTION or SERVICE ADDRESS


    #Spatial ​

    David Miller
    Managing Partner - Maximo Consultant
    Enterprise Integration Partners LLC


  • 2.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Fri November 12, 2021 03:41 AM
    Hello David,

    The integration of the ESRI ARCGIS database with the Maximo Assets/Locations/SRs or Work Orders applications. The integration occurs from the Service Layers in ESRI, using Map Manager to define the service map, JSON Mapping to integrate and the ARCGGISCronTask to automate the integration.

    It sounds like you are using Work Order Tracking or Locations applications.

    This is a free sample Man and Layers that can be used in Map manager

    The version of Spatial in System info is important, for the moment I am going to assume you have Spatial 7605 or 7610.

    Creating GIS Objects in Maximo Spatial 7.6 with Feature Services will allow you to decide what is integrated and how to map the objects:

    Json Mapping Spatial for 7602 but really well documented and relevant:

    Creating Spatial cron task ArcGISDatasync

    The location or Service address are part of hte logic to determine what coordinates are being used in Work Order Tracking. Have a look at this to help understand where is the lat/long being picked up.

    Hope this helps, Eleri


  • 3.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Mon November 15, 2021 09:27 AM
    Edited by System Test Tue August 22, 2023 04:38 PM
    Thank you for your response. We are indeed 761 in fact
    IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management Build 20200716-1706 DB Build V7610-15 HFDB Build HF7610-06

    I have been in all the materials you have provided link to above. I do in fact have a working integration with the sample6 server above tied to Water network.

    I am able to bring in Hydrants, Pumps, Water Curb Stop Valves and Mains. However on the JSON Mapping to these Features I see NO LAT/LONG values to be mapped. The guides you provided above that I have been in are terrible at explaining ANYTHING about what to do with SERVICEADDRESS values. What do I map those to and where do I get the LAT/LONG of the Features I have coming in by way of integration?
    For example my Hydrants are tied to:

    But the JSON Mapping provides me 17 Source Attributes of which none are lat/long. (($.activeflag,$.enabled,$.facilityid,$.installdate,$.lasteditor,$.lastservice, etc etc)

    So, my assumption is I need to be creating a service address to tie these assets to and that will do a LAT/LONG but I find no guide at all to how to do this??? Documentation by IBM is JUNK.....

    Where can I find a guide the explains how to setup SERVICEADDRESS integration? What feature do I hook to in GIS and JSON mapping to get the Addresses aka my LAT/LONG onto my Assets/Locations that I am integrating? Once I have those how do I get the addresses tied to my ASSETS/LOCATIONS? I just need a guide??????

    BTW.. This is what I so LOVE ABOUT IBM... What I actually need is a DEAD LINK.. Great work IBM:
    Automatically create assets, locations, and service addresses based on GIS features - IBM Documentation

    That link is management-configuring-service-addresses  .....

    Thanks in advance,

    David Miller
    Managing Partner - Maximo Consultant
    Enterprise Integration Partners LLC

  • 4.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Tue November 16, 2021 08:52 AM
    Edited by System Test Tue August 22, 2023 04:42 PM

    I sent you a private message with my email - I'm happy to jump on a Webex and walk you through setup and help.

    I think the confusion here is that you don't need a Service Address with every asset or location to give it positioning information.  In your example above, the water hydrant feature is linked with an Asset in Maximo and it inherits the geometry from the linked ESRI attribute.  There isn't an x,y stored in Maximo for it.  

    If you want to create and link Service Addresses from a feature class in GIS, you don't need to populate the X,Y fields on the Service Address.  You likely would want to map in a field like Address Code to make the Service Address easily searchable.  The positioning information would come from the linked GIS feature.  

    You only need the X,Y on a service address if your service address isn't linked with an ESRI feature.  

    There are scenarios when you may want to create Service Addresses.  For example, you may have a feature class for customer premises and you want to create Service Addresses in Maximo.  That way if I am a customer and call in and report that I have no water in my house, the CSR can search by Address and pick my service address.  Later, when the troubleman identifies that there is a break in a water main, then they can open the map and pick the water main asset and associate it with the work order.  But the initial Service Address placed the SR on the map so they knew where to start.  

    Lacey Lurges

  • 5.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Mon June 13, 2022 03:54 PM


    I am back on this topic now and have learned a lot since November of last year. But now we are looking at using the SA while integrated with ArcGIS. We are wanting to consider using the OOTB fields on the SA (LONGITUDEX & LATITUDEY). I fully understand now that a once an object in linked to a map feature it has the spatial representation by way of that map feature.

    But if we want the X/Y of our ASSETR as it comes in from GIS how can we do that at the same time rather than as 2 separate interfaces using the (ARCGISASSET, ARCGISSRVAD Enterprise Services)?

    Can we modify the ARCGISASSET Object Structure to include the Service Address or better yet create our own clone of that and then replace the OS on the ES that does ARCGISASSET? Or any other method to have Maximo sync the ASSET and the X/Y of it in the same integration as it seems that the data should be readily available as the ASSET is passed over and not need to be done as 2 separate integrations (which is overkill in my mind for 2 fields). Anything I am missing here?


    Also, if we set the "Use an external or GIS address system" in the Org settings that does not help in this process telling Maximo we want the X/Y coming from GIS for SA in Maximo?



    David Miller
    Managing Partner - Maximo Consultant
    Enterprise Integration Partners LLC

  • 6.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Tue June 14, 2022 08:31 PM
    Yes, you can modify the ARCGISASSET object structure to add the asset's service address or create your own object structure.  Typically I see a Service Address used with location, e.g. a premise.  There was a tech note explaining how to modify the ARCGISLOCATION object structure to add the location service address.  I'll see if I can find it. 

    Have you talked with IBM about the PLUSSGEOJSON field and the future plans on how that will be used?  Right now it stores point geometry and there is a java class file that populates the field based on the Service Address or linked ESRI feature.  This is a clob field and you will see it store line and polygon geometry too.  This is the field used in Maximo Mobile to display Maximo objects on the map.

    I would investigate if you can use this field to store your geometry as x,y is limited to only a point.

    Lacey Lurges

  • 7.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Mon June 20, 2022 03:12 PM

    Thanks for reply... Any chance you might find the Tech note you mentioned for "how to modify the ARCGISLOCATION object structure to add the location service address" ???

    I am trying to do the modified OS for ARCGISASSET and including the SA but its not working (i have the X/Y from the //features/geometry in the JSON mapping and I see them in the msg payload in the log files) .. Not sure what Relationship I should be using and any other special things needed to get it to created the SA record as the asset comes inbound. What I have looks correct and I am getting no errors but I just stop getting the entire ASSET to create as well as the SA. Strange to see no errors in the CRONTASK at all for my setup. Logs look great...

    Appreciate any help you could provide.


    David Miller
    Managing Partner - Maximo Consultant
    Enterprise Integration Partners LLC

  • 8.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Mon June 20, 2022 03:17 PM
    Edited by System Test Tue August 22, 2023 04:44 PM

  • 9.  RE: IBM Maximo ArcGIS Integration and Service Addresses?

    Posted Tue June 21, 2022 10:23 AM
    I tinkered with it a bit yesterday and was able to get the location and service address to create just using the OOTB relationship, but the OBJECTID on the Service Address gets set as LOCATIONS and then it doesn't get associated with the Location.  I'm brushing up on all the rules of Service Address and why the OBJECTID field gets set or not.  I will tinker some more.  I also have another idea if the ARCGISLOCATION Object Structure doesn't handle the Service Address creation correctly that I will try out.

    Can you remind me why you are trying to create a Service Address with the Asset?  You need x,y coordinates for integration with another system?  Instead of creating a separate object in Maximo, did you investigate just using the PLUSSGEOJSON field that is now on the Asset object?  It's populated with a java class on the field, but you could use an automation script to populate this field too.

    Lacey Lurges