Can anyone help me to better understand what the OOTB Integration in the ARCGISSYS - ArcGIS External System is designed to get from GIS for Service Addresses?What does the Enterprise Service ARCGISSRVAD - "ARCGIS SERVICEADDRESS synchronization" and the Publish Channel ARCGISSRVAD - "ARCGIS SERVICEADDRESS synchronization" designed to communicate with in the ArcGIS System?What Feature is this to link or what in ArcGIS is this supposed to be able to bring in and push out? In particular I am looking for what info I can get to get me Lat/Long value based "locations" to tie to?Also any guidance on when you sync to these vs using the actual LOCATION as the sync values? Very confused? When I should use LOCATION or SERVICE ADDRESSThanks,Miller------------------------------
David Miller
Managing Partner - Maximo Consultant
Enterprise Integration Partners LLC