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  • 1.  How to get an action button visible in Portrait mode

    Posted Thu October 27, 2022 11:47 PM
    HI guys,

    Anywhere 7.6.4 iFix 4
    App: Physical count or any other.

    Issue: In the portrait mode I do not see a Scan Bar Code button on the main screen.
    If I turn the phone into a landscape mode I can see the button, actually 2 buttons!

    On another phone the button is visible even in the portrait mode.
    The problem is that my first phone is the primary one and it is used more often.
    - 1st phone (Samsung s21) - 2400 x 1080
    - 2nd phone (Emulator) - 2280 x 1080

    What is the trick?
    How do I push the button out of the Menu? :)

    Thank you!


    Alexey Potanin


  • 2.  RE: How to get an action button visible in Portrait mode

    Posted Thu December 08, 2022 11:37 PM
    Hi guys,
    I raised a ticket with IBM to see if they have a solution. Will let you know once I have more information.

    Alexey Potanin

  • 3.  RE: How to get an action button visible in Portrait mode

    Posted Wed December 14, 2022 06:58 PM
    Update: the answer from IBM was - no solution :(
    "this is dynamic there is no way to prevent the icon from moving to the overflow on smaller screens out of the box."
    I am waiting for the definition of the small screen.

    Alexey Potanin

  • 4.  RE: How to get an action button visible in Portrait mode

    Posted Fri December 09, 2022 01:42 PM

    Have you done any modifications to the <actions id="WorkExecution.WorkItemsView_actions"> section?  There are quite a few actions in that section that have the overflow="true" tag enabled.  This allows a "roll-on/ roll-off " experience based on device orientation.  Also the order in which the actions appear in the XML affects the order on the list (Left-to-right or top-to-bottom".)  

    The overflow ="true" setting indicates whether the action will appear in the action list (top-to-bottom) if the real estate does not allow it on the icon list (left-to-right).  To get you icon to allows appear I suggest you move it up the XML list of actions to the top and then force it to stay by removing the overflow tag or setting it to false.  This may take some experimentation on your part to optimize it for your devices.

    Bradley K. Downing , MBA
    Solutions Engineer
    Bakersfield CA

  • 5.  RE: How to get an action button visible in Portrait mode

    Posted Wed December 14, 2022 07:02 PM
    Thanks @Bradley Downing.
    No, I did not have any modification to the screen/actions.
    I tried adding the​ overflow="false" tag but it did not help.

    Now I am trying to understand what categorizes the screen small... 

    Alexey Potanin