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  • 1.  Converting GIS Objects from DBLink to Feature Services

    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 10:11 AM

    We are on Maximo and currently have our Spatial GIS Objects configured to use table synonyms as described in this article:

    Creating GIS objects in a remote database or separate database schemas - IBM Documentation

    I am assuming this is the DBLINK method that has been depreciated per this article:
    Maximo Spatial Asset Management - DBLINK Functions Discontinued (

    Is there any guidance or best practices around converting or migrating our existing GIS Objects to use the Feature Services?  I have found this about creating new feature service based GIS Objects but looking for some clarification on how to handle if we already have objects set up using the old method.  
    Getting Started with Maximo Spatial 7.6 - Creating the GIS Objects (

    Chase Hassold


  • 2.  RE: Converting GIS Objects from DBLink to Feature Services

    Posted Wed June 21, 2023 02:09 PM

    HI Chase,

    I guess I am confused by a couple of things. According the DBLINK Functions discontinued memo, it would appear that you should not be able to have link objects in  

    All versions of IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management leading up to, and including include the compatibility with earlier versions for DBLINKs.

    In IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management and later, functions related to and using DBLINK connection to their GIS Services are removed in the background.  You might notice some functions are no longer available.

    Apparently that is not so?  Are your spatial references working and have you confirmed the data is flowing through the linked objects? If you are on you should also be on Spatial 7.6.1. Can you confirm that you are?  If so then perhaps you have already converted to Feature Services and all is well.  Perhaps not. Insofar as Best practices are concerned I am not aware of specific documentation per-se.  @Lacey Lurges may know. She is a quite knowledgable in this area.

    If you ARE having trouble then definitely open a ticket with support as instructed int he links you provided.  They will be able to point you in the right direction.

    Bradley K. Downing , MBA
    Senior Brand Technical Specialist
    Bakersfield CA

  • 3.  RE: Converting GIS Objects from DBLink to Feature Services

    Posted Wed June 21, 2023 03:41 PM

    Appreciate the response.  Correct, we are on Spatial  Some more background, we have had Maximo Spatial since at least version 7.6 but never have had it fully functioning.  We also are currently using a third-party tool (GeoWorx Sync) for a one way push of assets from GIS to Maximo.

    At this point, we are just trying to unravel a couple previous implementation efforts and get some bearings on how everything works so we can come up with a plan.

    The Maximo Map manager configs, GIS Objects (see below for example) and the table synonymns do exist.   The spatial map and layers display and you can zoom to assets, but certain things like the identify and results tools do not work properly, which I am guessing is due to the fact that they rely on feature service GIS Objects now.  

    Map Manager Service Layer Example:

    Database Object Example:

    Chase Hassold

  • 4.  RE: Converting GIS Objects from DBLink to Feature Services

    Posted Thu June 22, 2023 10:19 AM

    Hi Chase,

    I was chatting with our Spatial Development team yesterday and they confirmed that you do need to create the new GIS Objects.  These are created automatically through Map Manager setup.  I'm going to chat with them a bit more about what to do with the old objects.  It may be that they are left as a no longer used object in database.  Send me an email if you want me to hop on a web meeting with you and help you with some quick setup so you can see how Spatial setup works now - it's much more straight forward than it was with DBLinks.

    Here is a screenshot of what a new object looks like.

    Lacey Lurges

  • 5.  RE: Converting GIS Objects from DBLink to Feature Services

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 09:37 AM

    Hi Chase,

    We have done this for a couple of clients. We drop the original objects in Database configuration. Then we recreate the map manager record and reusing  the original GIS object names. . There are a lot of caveats in doing this. Things like the length of the original GIS object name and the use of query layers need a more attention. The new GIS object names are limited to the length of ENDPOINT.ENDPOINTNAME (I think it is 15 ). Query layers need to handled appropriately because you are no longer writing to the GIS underlying GIS table which has all the records.  You are now writing to the query layer which only has the data for the specific query. 

    Map Tool issues can be related to the Base Map. It is important to follow IBMs guidance on selecting a base map. There are also some map specific XML tags  in the Maximo applications that sometimes get lost in the upgrade process that can cause issues with the tools. 

    Thomas Coulombe

  • 6.  RE: Converting GIS Objects from DBLink to Feature Services

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 08:26 AM

    Thank you for everyone's responses.   We were able to work through re-creating the GIS Objects and get everything working by:

    • Deleting the existing database objects in Maximo Database Configuration
    • Dropping the table synonyms in SQL Server
    • Recreating the GIS Objects with using the same name using the "Execute GIS Configuration" functionality in the Map Manager

    Chase Hassold