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Conditional expressions in Maximo Mobile

  • 1.  Conditional expressions in Maximo Mobile

    Posted 14 hours ago


    I've stumbled upon an interesting issue related to conditional expression logic in Maximo. In Maximo desktop you can define a conditional expression for a specific value in WOSTATUS domain to restrict when certain status is available for users. For example, you can restrict certain status to some user group or to be available depending on some work order details. This works perfectly fine in Maximo desktop but not in Maximo Mobile. So in Mobile Technician application the conditional expressions are ignored and it seems to be possible to change the work order status to any value.

    I've found a nice article from Maycon Belfort on how to conditionally filter statuses in Maximo Mobile - Episode 3: Changing Status in Maximo Mobile

    However, this means duplicating the logic of conditional expressions defined for the domain.

    Is it possible to enable conditional expressions to be used by Maximo Mobile as well? I assume it should be possible by adding custom JavaScript in AppCustomizations.js. Has anyone solved it so far?

    Ivan Lagunov
    Head of R&D
    ZNAPZ B.V.