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Maximo Mobile 8.10: Date Time field values on Device not displaying in correct time zone as per User's default information if change status/Asset status actions are performed on Work Order details page.

  • 1.  Maximo Mobile 8.10: Date Time field values on Device not displaying in correct time zone as per User's default information if change status/Asset status actions are performed on Work Order details page.

    Posted Wed May 24, 2023 01:35 PM



    We are seeing an issue with syncing dates in "Technician" application w.r.t "Scheduled Start" and "Scheduled Finish" date values.
    Our Maximo DB Server is in EST time zone and if the user sets his timezone to any value other than EST under  "default information" profile setup, 
    when we open the WO on the device (WO Details page), we notice the dates are converted and dispalyed correctly as per the user's profile timezone 
    but when we update the status of the WO, the date values gets changed and are now dispalyed in the EST timezone(DB's timezone)
    for other updates on the WO like, adding a worklog/ reporting work which involves a manual close dialog box works fine and the date values do not
    change, but for user actions like, changing WO status and Changing Asset status which involves an auto close dialog box(having blue check mark on top)
    the dates get changed to the EST values.
    We created a PMR for the same but due to project timelines we want to know if there is a workaround to make this work? 
    Mobile is getting implemented in various sites which are in different time zones and these date values are critical for our users.

    Meghana Siriveli