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BIRT Question on Dynamic List Box Parameter

  • 1.  BIRT Question on Dynamic List Box Parameter

    Posted an hour ago
    Edited by Christopher Stewart an hour ago

    I have a dataset called dataSet that gets all of my asset data I need. I want to add a parameter to display a list of classstructure.classificationid values so people can filter the report based on classstructureid. I have a scripted data source called maximoDataSource. 

    I created a separate data set called sub1DataSet to get a list of the classificationid values. Here is the open and fetch scripts:


    sub1DataSet = MXReportDataSetProvider.create(this.getDataSource().getName(), this.getName());;
    var sqlText = "select distinct classstructure.classificationid "
        + "from classstructure";


    if (!sub1DataSet.fetch())
        return (false);

    row["classificationid"] = sub1DataSet.getString("classificationid");

    return (true);
    Here is my parameter:
    When I open the dataset and select preview data there is nothing there. When I run the report and select the drop down list there are no values in it. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong with this?

    Christopher Stewart