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Maximo Wednesday Webinar | Making the Business Case for Maintenance Technology

By Valerie Gooch posted Thu January 26, 2023 09:00 PM

On January 25th,  IBM Principal Value Consultant, Tom Woginrich, shared some of the knowledge and experience he's gained working with large organizations to transform business processes and implement technology improvements.  If you need help with business justification for asset management software - whether that's moving to the Maximo Application Suite, expanding to Mobility, implementing Visual Inspection technology, etc. this is a webinar you'll want to watch.  

IBM offers Business Value Assessments at no cost and as an investment to our clients. Our ask of you is simply your time and participation. If you're interested in a BVA please let us know by reaching out to me directly.

Link to the recorded session: Link to Replay

If you have issues accessing the above link please let me know.  Thank you!

Valerie (Crawford) Gooch
Sustainability Software Business Development Manager

