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Why IBM Chose OpenShift for Maximo Application Suite: A Personal Journey of Understanding (and a Few Aha! Moments)

By Seno Hardijanto posted 12 days ago


I’ll be honest—when I first heard that IBM decided to base its Maximo Application Suite (MAS) on OpenShift, I didn’t exactly jump for joy. In fact, I think I may have sighed audibly. The concept just didn’t click at first. Why take such a drastic step? Moving Maximo, a trusted, battle-hardened solution, to a containerized platform seemed risky. I mean, sure, we all love a good container, but wouldn’t this alienate the customers who had spent years tweaking and customizing their Maximo environments like some prized, finely-tuned machine?

Like me, several customers hesitated. They raised concerns about the complexity of migrating to OpenShift, the potential for breaking their beloved customizations, and the headache-inducing thought of navigating a steep learning curve. You could practically hear their collective groan when “containerization” was mentioned. It felt like IBM was asking everyone to adopt a brand-new lifestyle - like when your best friend goes vegan, and suddenly, all social gatherings involve lentils.

The Turning Point: Aha! OpenShift Isn't Just for the "Cool Kids"

But as I dug deeper into why IBM chose to go all-in on OpenShift, my perspective began to shift. IBM wasn’t just making this move for the sake of being trendy or to hop on the Kubernetes bandwagon. They were building the future of enterprise asset management, and OpenShift was the cornerstone for that future.

The truth is, this shift wasn’t about leaving customers behind or forcing them into something shiny and new. It was about future-proofing Maximo in a world where scalability, agility, and integration with cloud services are now table stakes. Remember that famous quote by Marc Andreessen (Mosaic, Netscape, investors), "Software is eating the world"?  Well, OpenShift is the cutlery that Maximo needed to feast on modern asset management. And suddenly, it made sense.

Scalability and Flexibility (The New Superpowers)

For starters, the scalability that OpenShift brings is something Maximo 7 could never achieve. With containerization, MAS can scale resources dynamically, which is pretty cool if you ask me. Imagine this: a utility company’s asset management system faces a sudden surge in work orders after a major storm. With good old Maximo 7, scaling up to meet that demand might involve some manual tinkering, phone calls to the IT team, and perhaps a few choice words muttered under someone’s breath.

Enter OpenShift. MAS scales automatically. It’s like magic—but without the smoke and mirrors. Need more power? No problem. OpenShift just adds more containers, and boom! Maximo is running like a dream, no matter the workload. It’s like upgrading from a bicycle to a self-driving Tesla. Suddenly, those lentils don’t seem so bad after all.

A Cloud-Native Architecture Built for the Future (And Beyond)

The reality is, Maximo needed to evolve to keep up with the cloud-first, hybrid world that enterprises are moving into. OpenShift allows IBM to offer MAS as a cloud-native solution, meaning you can run it anywhere—on-prem, in the cloud, or some magical hybrid mix of both. And let’s be honest: we all like options. It’s like having your cake and eating it too. (Or, for our vegan friends, your lentil stew and eating it too.)

IBM decided to go all-in with OpenShift to give Maximo customers the flexibility they need to stay in the game. In today’s world, enterprises can no longer rely on legacy systems as flexible as a brick wall. OpenShift is the key to keeping Maximo light on its feet, ready to scale and future-proofed for the wild world of cloud computing.

Innovation Through Microservices (or: Modular Building Blocks for Grown-Ups)

One of the biggest lightbulb moments for me was understanding how OpenShift’s microservices architecture could change the game. You see, Maximo 7 was like a monolithic beast—powerful but difficult to move and even harder to upgrade without a herculean effort. Upgrading was often a time-consuming, pull-your-hair-out affair.

But with MAS, powered by OpenShift, everything is modular. Need to upgrade just one module? No problem. You can do that without affecting the others. It’s like having building blocks for grown-ups—stack, upgrade, or swap out components as needed. This kind of flexibility wasn’t possible with Maximo 7, but it’s the new normal with MAS, and I’ll admit, it’s pretty brilliant.

Enhanced Security and Compliance (Now With Fewer Headaches!)

Now, let's talk about security—because these days, who isn’t? With rising cybersecurity threats, protecting sensitive asset data is mission-critical. OpenShift brings enterprise-grade security features like built-in encryption, role-based access control, and automated patching. Imagine never having to manually patch a system at 3 AM again. Let that sink in.

For industries like utilities or healthcare, where compliance rules are stricter than a drill sergeant, this is a game-changer. OpenShift automates security updates and makes sure MAS is always running the latest patches, meaning fewer vulnerabilities and fewer sleepless nights for your IT team.

Realizing the Value for Customization-Heavy Customers

But I know what you’re thinking: what about those heavy customizations in Maximo 7? At first, I was worried about that too. Wouldn’t migrating break everything? But IBM had thought this through. Yes, migrating customizations to MAS takes effort, but the tools and methodologies they’ve developed make the process smoother than I expected. Plus, with MAS designed for API-driven customizations and microservices, businesses can gradually decouple their custom logic from the core platform.

It’s like getting rid of that old clunky furniture you’ve been hoarding for years and replacing it with sleek, modular pieces that fit wherever you need them. Sure, it takes time, but the end result is worth it. Over time, these customizations will become easier to maintain and scale with the business, instead of holding you back.

Resilience in a Cloud-Native World (Or: Building Systems That Can Handle Anything)

Finally, one of the biggest reasons OpenShift makes sense for MAS is its resilience. As Werner Vogels of Amazon famously said, "Everything fails all the time." In the real world, systems need to be able to recover from failure automatically—because, let’s face it, things are bound to go wrong at some point.

OpenShift’s self-healing capabilities mean that if one part of the system fails, the rest keeps humming along without any manual intervention. It’s like having a system that never breaks—at least, not in ways that slow you down.

Why Now Is the Right Time (Seriously, It’s Worth the Leap)

After months of hesitation, I finally understood why IBM’s move to OpenShift wasn’t just about keeping up with the cool kids. It was about building the future of enterprise asset management. And while OpenShift might seem like a risky move at first, it’s actually an incredible opportunity for businesses to future-proof their operations.

Yes, the upgrade might feel like a challenge for customers with heavily customized environments, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term inconvenience. The scalability, security, modularity, and cloud-native advantages that OpenShift brings to MAS make it the ideal platform for businesses that want to stay competitive in an increasingly digital and cloud-driven world.

At the end of the day, sticking with Maximo 7 will lead to growing technical debt, limited flexibility, and missed opportunities. OpenShift might seem like a leap now, but for businesses that want to future-proof their operations, it’s a leap worth taking. IBM is laying the groundwork for the future of asset management, and it’s time to jump in—lentils and all.

Jakarta, Sep 2024

