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  • 1.  Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Tue December 03, 2024 09:52 AM


    We have one customer that they want to have, on trunk, the Date range open sinceJan 2022. So every time that we want to modify sometning, the performance is very bad... check out.......10 minutes loading..........modify.........20 minutes............
    Reduce the date range is not an option as customer wants to have always the data available. Any tips/best practice to reduce times and improve the performance for the TBMA team??
    Mario Luque

    Mario Luque

  • 2.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Tue December 03, 2024 02:23 PM

    #1 You can go through the reports and make inactive the reports that they aren't using. You can utilize the calc explorer to see what reports are driving the most calc time.

    # You might install the Performance Review Component, if not already.  The Analyze Performance report has a couple of tabs that give insight into all the allocations and where there are opportunities for improvement. 

    Jason Tucker

  • 3.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Wed December 04, 2024 03:02 AM

    We've done what @Jason Tucker recommends (always a good idea)' with some of the OOTB reports only tire kickers were looking at.

    Something else we do, a bit cumbersome admittedly, is storing critical data in separate tables-the items feeding the reports customers want. Then we close a full year, while keeping the past one (2023 now), the current one (2024) and a few months into the new year. Once we close 2024, I'll set the start to DEC2023 and open H1/2025, etc.

    In some cases, we had to TEMPORARILY reopen past years, perform some kind of comparison, and revert the changes. This works for us, @Mario Luque

    Regards, Guillermo

  • 4.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Wed December 04, 2024 09:59 AM

    I second looking at the Performance Review Component. There used to be a collection of performance enhancement steps you could try on the old community site but I'm having trouble tracking it down.

    A couple of the key pieces that I know are often problems are included here: Troubleshooting Help  In particular, Assignment Ratios (use the Performance Review to help identify the biggest problems) and object identifiers.

    Robert Krauss
    TBM Engineer

  • 5.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Mon December 09, 2024 03:56 AM

    Thanks Jason / Guillermo / Robert for your feedback. We will see your suggestions

    Best regards,


    Mario Luque

  • 6.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Thu December 12, 2024 09:30 AM

    Hi Mario,

    I've been through something similar recently and would suggest a few extra ideas for you to look at:

    • If you can, pick which months the reports are calculated for. You've said that the data range for the project goes back to Jan 2022, but you might be able to set the report calculations to only run for quarters or year end 2022 & 2023, while you keep every month of 2024 calculating. (Calculation Settings on the Project ribbon)
    • Use the Calc Explorer in the Builld ribbon to work out which part of the calc is most intensive. You may find that you have specific reports or tables going through transforms which are taking a large part of the effort when you check in and can be simplified or switched off. Use that in combination with Jason & Guillermo's ideas for the best results.
    • If you have reports with lots of slicers & column pickers, see if you can simplify them by hard coding them so that the report is pre-filtered and only has necessary columns. A report with fewer options should take less time to calculate.
    • Make sure you're getting upgraded to the latest software build. There have been major improvements that we've seen during 2024, but I believe there are more coming along.

    I hope those are also helpful.

    Jon Sober

  • 7.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Fri December 13, 2024 03:59 AM

    Thanks Jon for your feedback

    Yes, "calc explorer" is  a key tool here . We are looking at the analyses that this functionality of the platform performs and seeing where it spends the most time and being able to change things and be able to have better performance. Sometimes they are small changes in the model, but they save time.

    Mario Luque

  • 8.  RE: Tips/Best Practices to improve Calculation times when several months open in a date range

    Posted Fri December 13, 2024 07:04 PM

    If the issue is bad performance when making changes in TBM Studio, then I suggest making changes in a branch with the number of opened periods minimised.

    In the branch you may also choose to limit the number of rows in Cost Source and other central model objects.

    You can also turn-off Auto Calculate (Home ribbon) on particular slow documents, although this takes a little getting used to as results doesn't appear automatically.

    Finally you should avoid many pipeline steps in transforms and don't do transforms of transforms with model steps.  Although these things won't make a difference on calc times, they will influence the experience in TBM Studio.

    Rene Norskov
    Senior Customer Solution Engineer