Report on Application in SevOne

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Tue March 12, 2024 12:14 PM

Purpose of the Reports:Report on Application information like Applications (services), Application Category, Country and AS (autonomous system) using Netflow data. 

Description:IBM SevOne NPM allows users to create and run reports on data collected using Data Insight. IBM SevOne NPM has the ability to enrich Netflow data with SaaS Application and Category, Country and AS information. Sample reports for Applications centric fields like Apps (services), App Category, Country and ASN are included. The sample reports can be imported into Data Insight. 

Further information on this feature can be found in our online documentation here - 

Reports included: 

  1. Flow – Top Apps and Categories. This report provides you with an overview of the top application categories and applications from Netflow data that has been received and processed by IBM SevOne NPM. This is useful to gain an understanding of what applications may be in use on the network, what infrastructure they are traversing and any issues that may impact the performance of that application. Application names are derived from the source and destination IP addresses for the conversations within the flow and resolved against a database built in to SevOne NPM. 

  1. Flow – Top Countries and AS. This report provides you with an overview of the top countries and AS numbers for Netflow data that has been received and processed by IBM SevOne NPM. Countries and AS numbers are derived from the source and destination IP addresses for the conversations within the flow and resolved against a database built in to SevOne NPM. 

Note  The sample report performance (load time) will vary based on size of the network monitored and the use of raw or aggregated views.

List of requirements: 

SevOne Version: 6.6.0 or newer is needed for SaaS application enrichment feature. 6.4.0 or newer is needed for ASN/Country enrichment feature. Sample reports are compatible with version 6.7.0 or newer. 

To use these report in version 7.0 and above, you will need views that use App profile and App Category fields ( renamed from service profile and service category). These are included in the download.

You will also need flow views to support these reports which are built-in and available OOTB.

Required views (raw or aggregated):

  • Top Services (Bandwidth, Packets, Flows) – Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Services (Bandwidth, Packets, Flows) – Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Services (Bandwidth, Packets, Flows) – Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Services (Bandwidth, Packets, Flows) – Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Talkers with Service (Bandwidth, Packets, Flows) – Application IP, Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Clients with Service – Client IP, Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Conversations with Service and ToS - Application IP, Client IP, Service Profile, ToS, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Service Categories - Service Category, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Service Categories with Service - Service Category, Service Profile, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Destination Countries – Destination Country, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Source Countries - Source Country, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Conversations Country - Source Country, Destination Country, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Destination AS (enriched) - Destination AS, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Source AS (enriched) – Source AS, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Conversations AS (enriched) - Source AS, Destination AS, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth
  • Top Conversations AS and Country - Source AS, Source Country, Destination AS, Destination Country, Bandwidth, Packet, Flows, Multicast Packets, Multicast Bandwidth

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2 Files
tar file
SevOne applicationreports 7.0+.tar   112 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Wed May 15, 2024
tar file
SevOne-applicationreports.tar   109 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Tue March 12, 2024