Monitoring IBM Cloud

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Wed July 12, 2023 12:55 PM

Purpose of Workflow:  Automate the collection of IBM Cloud metrics

Description: Allow SevOne NPM to monitor technologies that are not supported out of the box, leveraging the SevOne Universal Collector framework. This workflow connects to IBM Cloud to collect performance data from different virtual entities such as instances, VPNs, Load Balancers, and more. Data is ingested into SevOne NPM to for analysis and reporting.

List of requirements:

  • Automated Observability Version: 2022.8 or later
  • SevOne Version: 6.3.0 or newer
  • Workflows: SevOne Ingest Data - APIv3

Environment Required:

IBM Cloud:

  • API Key
  • InstanceId (
  • TeamId (
  • Region

NMS Credentials


  • Recommended to create a job to execute the workflow every 5 minutes

Expected results:

  • New devices will be created in SevOne NPM from IBM Cloud-based data.

Rating for volume

  • IBM Cloud (we have around 50 resources) was monitored 60 times (basically if a vm with name ‘TEST’ was found, It would be monitored 60 times changing its name to ‘TEST-A’ ‘TEST-B’….’TEST-ZZ’). That way it simulated around 3000 resources.
  • Using a single node on-prem server with 4vCPUs and 16GB RAM (CPUs were the bottle neck)
  • Managed to ingest around 200 indicators per second (ips).
  • Workflow was run every 2 minutes.
  • No failures in SevOne APIs ingesting data

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Monitoring IBM   3 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Thu July 20, 2023


Wed April 17, 2024 04:46 PM

Missing block found:

Missing flow URL: admin/User/SevOne Automate OOTB Workflows/SevOne Ingest Data - APIv3

While you do call out the requirement for the ingest data block, you don't instruct the user that they must create the "SevOne Automate OOTB Workflows" folder and need to insert the ingest data workflow there.  

Perhaps try exporting using absolute path export and reupload the workflow here.