AWS EC2 Launch Ubuntu, AWS EC2 List VM's, AWS EC2 Delete VM

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Wed April 03, 2024 08:29 AM

Name: AWS EC2 Delete VM, AWS EC2 Launch Ubuntu VM, and AWS EC2 List VMs

Purpose of Workflow: To perform common operations on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) virtual machines (VMs).

Integrations Required: AWS minimum version 1.0.23


(AWS EC2 Delete VM) - Modify the variables name_to_delete, AWS_Region, and AWS_authKey in the start block to the name of the VM to be deleted, the AWS region where the VM is located, and your current AWS authentication name, respectively.

(AWS EC2 List VMs) - Modify the variables AWS_AuthKey and AWS_region in the start block to your current AWS authentication name and the region you want to list VMs for, respectively.

(AWS EC2 Launch Ubuntu VM) - Modify the variables SSH_authKey, SSH_AWS_authKey, Mem_GB, Num_CPUs, SecurityGroup, AWS_authKey, Hostname, and Region in the start block to match your desired Ubuntu VM launch parameters, your SSH authentication key, and your current AWS authentication name.


(AWS EC2 Delete VM) - Deletes an AWS virtual machine by name. Use as specific of a name as possible to avoid accidentally deleting the wrong VM.

Expected results: A confirmation that the VM was deleted.

(AWS EC2 List VMs) - Lists all VMs in a given AWS region.

Expected results: A list of all VMs in the specified region, including details such as the VM's name, ID, status, and IP address.

(AWS EC2 Launch Ubuntu VM) - Launches an Ubuntu VM in AWS EC2 with the specified parameters.


Expected results: A new Ubuntu VM is launched in the specified region, with the specified number of CPUs, amount of memory, and security group. The VM is assigned the specified hostname and a public IP address.

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Uploaded - Wed April 03, 2024