Automatic Creation of Cross Object Calculation Objects in SevOne

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Tue April 02, 2024 07:10 AM

Purpose of the Workflow:  Automatically create CoC objects in SevOne

Description: there are two main ways of creating custom metrics in SevOne: group poller and calculation plugin. The benefit of calculation plugin is that we can create more complex and sophisticated formulas than with group poller (mainly aggregations), however the main problem with the calculation plugin is that you need to create the formulas manually.

Now with RNA we can automate the creation of these CoC formulas with no need for scripting (PHP, Python...) or understanding the SevOne API.

This particular RNA workflow creates a new CoC object for each of the devices that are part of a device group. 

This CoC object will be the sum of the In Traffic from two interfaces (it can be edited to add more or less interfaces), therefore we need to tell RNA:

  • where to find these devices (device group)

  • which CoC object type we will use to create the new CoC objects

  • which interfaces are the ones to be considered

  • which indicators have In Traffic data

List of requirements:

  • Rapid Network Automation Version: 1.1 or newer
  • SevOne Version: 6.3.0 or newer


  • Import workflow
  • Create device group in SevOne
  • Create Calculation poller object type

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2 Files
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absolute_SevOne   1 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Tue April 02, 2024


Thu April 18, 2024 02:31 AM

Correct, you need to use the latest version of the integrations (not available yet in techzone)

Wed April 17, 2024 03:42 PM

There are missing blocks when you import to a new RNA installation.  "Missing flow URL: system/SevOne/REST v3/Objects/Objects Create COC Variable".  Did you get a newer SevOne integration build from support? 

I'm using RNA version 2023.2.459.

My SevOne integration version is 1.0.27