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  • 1.  Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"

    Posted Tue July 13, 2021 07:54 AM
    Hi all,

    Back in the past there was a great page created under titled "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?". There is a short reference to it How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping? but now after all site modifications this useful content has gone :-( I can't find any archive. Maybe somebody still has it as saved PDF or any other copy and can share? Pity many content was removed with the migration to this new portal.



  • 2.  RE: Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Tue July 13, 2021 02:13 PM
    Thanks for your query. Will come back shortly.

    Offering Manager, GoToMarket - Communities

  • 3.  RE: Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"
    Best Answer

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Wed July 14, 2021 03:24 AM

    Hi Szymon,

    the answer is already in the community.

    Have a look here:


    Fred Harald Klein

  • 4.  RE: Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"

    Posted Fri July 16, 2021 09:14 AM
    Hi Fred,

    Thank you for help!


    Szymon Trocha
    Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe

  • 5.  RE: Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"

    Posted Wed March 30, 2022 06:49 AM

    Is the second part of this article about super-groups (as mentioned in also available somewhre? I can't find it too


    Szymon Trocha
    Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe

  • 6.  RE: Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"

    Posted Wed July 14, 2021 04:13 AM
    Hi Szymon,

    I'm sorry that the redirect didn't work, but glad Fred found the link (thanks Fred). We think Zane's blog is very useful too and incorporated the information in our documentation.
    For more information about scope-based event grouping, see the following IBM Documentation links:
    About analytics
    Scope-based groups
    Scope-based grouping
    Enabling scope-based grouping

    If you know of any other missing content, please let us know.


    Deirdre Lawton
    Information Developer
    (35321) 730-6188

  • 7.  RE: Looking for "How can I use Netcool scope-based event grouping?"

    Posted Wed March 23, 2022 09:24 AM
    Thanks for sharing the it, this answer is really good and very informative. 
    Best Regards

    Hove jonn