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Level up your Azure monitoring game with IBM SevOne 7.0

By Deva Dash posted 21 days ago


As networks become more complex and distributed among different public and private clouds, managing data silos and having comprehensive visibility to your entire infrastructure performance becomes a challenge.

At IBM SevOne, we have been hard at work introducing new integrations such that our users have a single tool to gather performance insights from their on-premise infrastructure as well as their public cloud infrastructure.

IBM SevOne 7.0 supports key new functionalities for Azure enabling our users to monitor several new resources in their Azure environment, including: 

  • Virtual machines
  • Virtual machine scale sets and Scale set instances
  • Load balancers
  • VPN gateway
  • ExpressRoute gateway
  • ExpressRoute circuits
  • ExpressRoute direct
  • Storage accounts (Blob/File/Queue/Table)

We have been on an evolution journey to make our platform support monitoring of several key components in multiple major public clouds. This makes IBM SevOne a true multi and hybrid multi-cloud monitoring platform.

A typical network today has workloads sitting in public cloud compute as well as on-premise compute. As workloads have moved to the public cloud, it becomes essential to monitor key components that ferry your application's packets across regions and to the internet. Having a holistic view of your entire infrastructure becomes essential. With IBM SevOne 7.0, you can get deep insights into your public and private cloud infrastructure in a single tool allowing you to create several different workflows and reduce data silos across different teams in your organization.


Key highlights of the new Azure Plugin!

New out of the box reports:

In addition to the already available VMs and VM Scale Set reports, IBM SevOne 7.0 ships with several new out of the box reports that takes a user from integration to insights in minutes!

Check out a few of them below:

Azure Load Balancer: Gain insights on the connection counts, availability and other health probe statistics for your global and local load balancers all in a single report.

Azure Storage: Visualize the performance of all your storage accounts (Blob, File, Queue, Table) and troubleshoot bottlenecks that may be causing an application slow down.

Microsoft Azure Dashboard: Gain a comprehensive, consolidated view of critical metrics for your entire subscription, choose multiple subscriptions in the same report if you wish.

Collect data at a fraction of the cost:
By leveraging the newly introduced Data Plane API by Microsoft and partnering with them, IBM SevOne 7.0 achieves a remarkable 50x efficiency improvement in API calls, enabling seamless monitoring of large Azure deployments without hitting throttling limits. This scalable and efficient data collection mechanism reduces the number of API calls to Azure, making it a cost-effective solution for observing cloud performance in large environments. Read more about this in Microsoft's recent blog post.

Get Started with IBM SevOne 7.0 Today

To learn more about IBM SevOne 7.0 and how it can benefit your organization, please visit our website or contact our sales team to schedule a demo.

