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How can we automate our Network with no code low code workflows?

By Basak Vogt posted Mon August 28, 2023 04:17 AM

What is the difference between automation tools such as Python, Ansible, Terraform compared to SevOne Automative Network Observability?
All these tools require some level of scripting/programming knowledge, and of course this is a valuable way to automating your network. However, using an easy drag and drop approach, i.e. No Code Automation allows us to open these automation tools to anyone in our company, not only to those ones with scripting capabilities. When we have limited staff who is managing the network, allowing access to network automation to everyone in the organization helps to free up time to the most experienced members of the team that will be able to dedicate more time to more valuable tasks.
Basically, with no code automation tools. you don’t have to know any scripting language to automate the network, allowing you to democratize the access to these automations, making them easier to maintain as everything is graphical. 
Let’s review a real use case; we are monitoring our network and we are checking the availability of our network devices every 5 minutes, however when one of these devices go down, we want to increase the polling frequency to make sure we detect the device going up as soon as possible. To do this, we will use SevOne High Frequency Polling capability, that together with our no code platform, we will be able to automate this process.


Start to drag and drop the integrations to the workflow, with no need to code.
With variables, we can reuse the workflow for any device, any object
We enable API access to allow external tools to execute the workflow remotely.
We can democratise the access to this automation to anyone we want to using the Automation Center.

