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Limited-Time Offer: 50% off IBM TechXchange Conference 2025
IBM’s largest technical learning event is back October 6-9 in Orlando, FL
Impostor syndrome is a pervasive issue that affects many individuals, but it is particularly prevalent among women in male-dominated fields such as artificial intelligence (AI). Despite their accomplishments and qualifications, many women in AI struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self...
Meet Errol Brandt, the CEO and Founder of Knowledge Orchestrator, and a proud IBM Champion for the past two years! With a profound passion for technology and a commitment to sharing knowledge, Errol has become a prominent figure in the tech community. For Errol, IBM Planning Analytics(TM1) holds...
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) play a pivotal role in driving innovation, solving complex challenges, and shaping the future of society. However, alongside these traditional STEM disciplines, there is a...
皆さん、こんにちはタッキーです。 2024年5月に東京 と大阪 で開催するStorage TechXchange イベントについてご案内します。 今回は 『IBM Japan Storage TechXchange 2024~事例から学ぶストレージ技術の最新トレンド~』 と題しましてお客様、パートナー様、RedHat様、NVIDIA様と コンテナ、AI、セキュリティー、サステナビリティー をテーマにお話しします。 お申し込みはこちらからお早めにお願いします。 東京会場 お申し込み: event...
In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced rapid growth and innovation, revolutionizing industries ranging from healthcare to finance to transportation. However, despite the transformative potential of AI technologies, women remain significantly underrepresented...