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I was recently asked for some code to show how I created the charts in my paper, Tables and Graphs for Monitoring Crime Patterns (Pre-print can be seen here ). I cannot share the data used in the paper, but I can replicate them with some other public data. I will use calls for service...
For graphs in syntax SPSS can specify continuous color ramps. Here I will illustrate a few tricks I have found useful, as well as provide alternatives to the default rainbow color ramps SPSS uses when you don't specify the colors yourself. First we will start with a simple set of fake data. ...
The other day I noticed when making the labels for treemaps that when using a polygon element in inline GPL SPSS places the label directly on the centroid. This is opposed to offsetting the label when using a point element. We can use this to our advantage to force labels in plots to be...
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One common task I undertake in is to make time series graphs of crime counts, often over months or shorter time periods. Here is some example data to illustrate, a set of 20 crimes with a particular date in 2013. *Make some fake data. SET SEED 10. INPUT PROGRAM. LOOP #i = 1 TO 20. COMPUTE #R...
Motivated by Rick Wicklin's raster based Christmas Tree in SAS , here I will show how to lay out a network Xmas tree in SPSS - XKCD network style. SPSS's GPL language has the ability to lay out different network diagrams given a list of edges and vertices. One of the layouts is a tree...
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The other day on NABBLE an individual asked for displaying histograms with unequal bar widths . I showed there if you have the fences (and the height of the bar) you can draw the polygons in inline GPL using a polygon element and the link.hull option for edges. I used a similar trick for ...
A while ago this question on Cross Validated showed off some R libraries to plot Likert data. Here is a quick post on replicating the stacked pyramid chart in SPSS. This is one of the (few) examples where stacked bar charts are defensible. One task that is easier with stacked bars ...
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Here I wish to display some examples of visually weighted regression diagnostics in SPSS, along with some discussion about the goals and relationship to the greater visualization literature I feel is currently missing from the disscussion. To start, the current label of “visually weighted...
The other day on my spineplot post Jon Peck made a comment about how he liked the structure charts in this CV thread . Here I will show how to make them in SPSS (FYI the linked thread has an example of how to make them in R using ggplot2 if you are interested). Unfortunately I accidently...
This is just a quick post on some random graphing examples you can do with SPSS through inline GPL statements, but are not possible through the GUI dialog. These also take knowing alittle bit about the grammar of graphics, and the nuts and bolts of SPSS's implementation. First up, shading under...
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