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Today we're excited to announce a new free extension for SPSS Statistics: Stats Power. Stats Power calculates power and related statistics for a variety of tests including t-tests, proportion tests, ANOVA, correlation, chi-squared, and linear models. This free extension, based on R, recreates...
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R extensions are a kind of plug-in that can be installed into IBM SPSS Statistics to implement an algorithm according to users’ requirements. We announce a new R extension that can address travelling salesperson problems. The travelling salesperson problem (TSP) is a well known and important...
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Update: By popular demand click here to download the extension and code We all know that SPSS Statistics can import data from a wide variety of sources, but what about importing data from social media sites such as Facebook? Turns out you can do that too with a relatively simple extension...
The BIG DATA UNIVERSITY Chinese Edition will be delivered this May, and now the Beta version is available. We are launching our free training about statistical analysis technology and in this training you will learn the basic of IBM SPSS Statistics including programmability. The...
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A few years ago, I learned about an interesting mathematical phenomenon known as Benford’s law, or the first digit law. The law states that most “natural” numbers begin with the number 1, followed by 2, followed by 3, and so on. There are many great blog posts and videos that do a good job of...
Bayesian methods have long attracted the interest of statisticians but have only been infrequently used in statistical practice in most areas. This is due in part to the lack of accessible software. A recent paper said, "However, most of this work can be understood and used only by those with a...
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The SPSS Statistics Custom tables (CTABLES) procedure can test equality of column proportions and column means. The test results are displayed either in a separate table or, using APA style, in the main table. Users commonly want to highlight significant differences, which is not possible...
Suppose you want to generate all two-way crosstabs for a set of variables in your dataset but without creating any of the redundant transposed tables (V2 BY V1 and V1 by V2). You could, of course, write a lot of CROSSTABS commands, but that would be very tedious and error prone. You could also...
The SPSS Community website has a wealth of resources for users of SPSS Statistics and other SPSS products. In particular, there are many extension commands you can download and use for free. Extension commands typically consist of a dialog box interface, traditional SPSS syntax, and an...
Users of traditional SPSS Statistics syntax are used to using the macro facility to parameterize blocks of syntax so that it is more flexible and can be varied without having to duplicate and edit the code. However the GGRAPH command, which provides deep access to the capabilities of the...