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"write variable names" option when exporting .dat files

  • 1.  "write variable names" option when exporting .dat files

    Posted Thu May 18, 2023 10:26 AM


    I'm using SPSS 29 on Windows. I'm trying to export the data to a .dat (tab-delimited) file. However, the option to uncheck "write variable names" is not coming up. Is there a work around this? I found a document saying 
    "Temporary workaround.

    This is a refresh issue where the initial export dialog is always labeled "No" when in fact the Export Options may be set for "Yes".

    The actual export always follows the stated export options dialog. So when trying to perform this export, always push in to the export options dialog and verify that your settings are as you expect them to be."

    However, I'm not really sure what I need to do? 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

    Hannah Jarman

  • 2.  RE: "write variable names" option when exporting .dat files

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu May 18, 2023 01:10 PM
     If you are on a Mac, go to Edit > Options > General and choose to use the SPSS-specific file dialogs.

    On Windows, I see that checkbox for dat files.  I'm on 29.0.1, so you might need to install that fixpack.
