Looks like Watson Assistant isn't pulling full responses from Discovery, probably due to indexing or config issues. Check your setup, adjust retrieval settings, and make sure language processing is right. Debug logs might help.
If you're working on Bus Simulator Indonesia APK search, the same fixes can make sure users get complete and relevant results.
layn breath
Original Message:
Sent: Thu February 09, 2023 10:05 PM
From: Irfan Setyanto
Subject: Search Skill Result
I'm trying to equip Watson Assistant with a search skill. I have successfully integrated the Watson Assistant and Watson Discovery but I found an issue regarding the response results on the Watson Assistant. For some reason the Watson Assistant didn't give a complete response. Here is a photo of the response on Watson Assistant which is incomplete and the ideal response as shown in the Watson Discovery. I'm using Bahasa Indonesia as the language but I don't think that shou. What should I do to fix this?
Irfan Setyanto